
Know of an OCAML/CAML IDE? Especially one that runs on Linux?

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Emacs in Caml mode, or Tuareg mode, or TypeRex mode. TypeRex adds auto-completion to Taureg in emacs - a really nice feature for people who prefer the more graphical IDE's.


There is Camelia. You can also integrate OCaml into Eclipse. Also in Emacs you can use ocaml-mode and tuareg-mode.

I vote OcaIDE. Now it has upgraded to v1.2.5. it become an up-to-date IDE (supporting ocaml 3.10-3.11, especially ocamlbuild, which is a great time-saver) and armed with rich, stable features.

I've installed OcaIDE on an eclipse 3.5(Galileo) and it works well.

There are 2 modes for Emacs for working with OCaml: ocaml-mode and tuareg-mode. Both are available via apt, or on the web.

They provide syntax-highlighting and tuareg-mode includes interfacing to the OCaml top-level and debugger.

There are also a few vim files you can load up... Take a look at the list of tools on the hump and godi, for extra tools. And be sure to compile with -dtypes on so you can take advantage of the annotation files to determine the types with a keystroke.

You can also use netbeans as an ide with an ocaml plugin.

It's actually possible to use OCaml via DrScheme if that's your thing.

Just run '(require (planet abromfie/drocaml:2:0/tool))' in DrScheme and you'll then be able to select the OCaml language.

You can try NetBeans based OcamlIDE.

I just found an eclipse plugin for it which may be promising. Doesn't look too active. I'll try it and report back on results.

ewwwe....emacs? anything in vi? ;)

See my post here for TypeRex, a development environment for OCaml.

Check out eclipse plugin for OCaml if you prefer to work on eclipse platform. For example, like this one:

Other than that, starting directly from plain editors like emacs or vim is good enough for programming. Besides, it can help you to learn better about the syntax of the language and the compiling process.

You can try to edit, compile and run simple Ocaml codes even online with ideone. There are also apps for mobile devices, which allows you to program/experiment with your smartphone.

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