
More specifically, given an arbritary package name I need to retrieve the same library-dirs field that can be obtained with the ghc-pkg describe command from inside a running Haskell program.

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Here's what I could come up with by peeking into the ghc-pkg source code.

The getPkgInfos function returns the package definitions for all installed packages (hopefully including user-installed packages). With this in your hands, you can retrieve the library directories and other package information. See the documentation for details.

The GHC_PKGCONF variable needs to point to the global package config file for systems where it isn't located at the usual place. ghc-pkg solves this problem by receiving a command line flag via a wrapper script in Ubuntu, for instance.

import qualified Config
import qualified System.Info
import Data.List
import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import GHC.Paths
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error

getPkgInfos :: IO [InstalledPackageInfo]
getPkgInfos = do
    global_conf <-
        catch (getEnv "GHC_PKGCONF")
              (\err ->  if isDoesNotExistError err
                            then do let dir = takeDirectory $ takeDirectory ghc_pkg
                                        path1 = dir </> "package.conf"
                                        path2 = dir </> ".." </> ".." </> ".."
                                                    </> "inplace-datadir"
                                                    </> "package.conf"
                                    exists1 <- doesFileExist path1
                                    exists2 <- doesFileExist path2
                                    if exists1 then return path1
                                       else if exists2 then return path2
                                       else ioError $ userError "Can't find package.conf"
                            else ioError err)

    let global_conf_dir = global_conf ++ ".d"
    global_conf_dir_exists <- doesDirectoryExist global_conf_dir
    global_confs <-
        if global_conf_dir_exists
            then do files <- getDirectoryContents global_conf_dir
                    return  [ global_conf_dir ++ '/' : file
                            | file <- files
                            , isSuffixOf ".conf" file]
            else return []

    user_conf <-
        try (getAppUserDataDirectory "ghc") >>= either
            (\_ -> return [])
            (\appdir -> do
                let subdir = currentArch ++ '-':currentOS ++ '-':ghcVersion
                    user_conf = appdir </> subdir </> "package.conf"
                user_exists <- doesFileExist user_conf
                return (if user_exists then [user_conf] else []))

    let pkg_dbs = user_conf ++ global_confs ++ [global_conf]
    return.concat =<< mapM ((>>= pkg_dbs

currentArch = System.Info.arch
currentOS = System.Info.os
ghcVersion = Config.cProjectVersion

I wrote this code myself, but it was largely inspired by ghc-pkg (with some pieces copied verbatim). The original code was licensed under a BSD-style license, I think this can be distributed under the cc-wiki license all Stackoverflow content is under, but I'm not really sure. Anyway, as anything else, I did some initial testing and it seems to work, but use it at your own risk.


The format of the installed packages database is Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo.

import Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.Text
import GHC.Paths
import System
import System.FilePath
main = do
    name:_ <- getArgs
    packages <- fmap read $ readFile $ joinPath [libdir, "package.conf"]
    let matches = filter ((PackageName name ==) . pkgName . package) packages
    mapM_ (print . libraryDirs) (matches :: [InstalledPackageInfo_ String])

This doesn't obey the user's package configuration, but should be a start.

Ask Duncan Coutts on the haskell-cafe@ or cabal mailing lists. (I'm serious. That is a better forum for Cabal questions than stack overflow).

Sometimes you just have to point people at a different forum.

If you're using cabal to configure and build your program/library you can used the autogenerated Paths_* module.

For example, if you have a foo.cabal file, cabal will generate a Paths_foo module (see its source under dist/build/autogen) which you can import. This module exports a function getLibDir :: IO FilePath which has the value you're looking for.

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Not affiliated with StackOverflow
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