
My Techie Bretheren (and Sisteren, of course!),

I have a LinqToSql data model that has the following entities: data model

I need to retrieve all advisors for a specific office, ordered by their sequence within the office. I've got the first part working with a join:

public static List<Advisor>GetOfficeEmployees(int OfficeID)
    List<Advisor> lstAdvisors = null;
    using (AdvisorDataModelDataContext _context = new AdvisorDataModelDataContext())
        var advisors = from adv in _context.Advisors
                       join advisoroffice in _context.OfficeAdvisors
                           on adv.AdvisorId equals advisoroffice.AdvisorId
                       where advisoroffice.OfficeId == OfficeID
                       select adv;

        lstAdvisors = advisors.ToList();

    return lstAdvisors;

However, I can't seem to wrap my weary brain around the order by clause. Can anyone give some suggestions?

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from adv in _context.Advisors
where adv.OfficeAdvisor.Any(off => off.OfficeId == officeID)
order adv by adv.OfficeAdvisor.First(off => off.OfficeId = officeID).Sequence
select adv;


public static List<Advisor>GetOfficeEmployees(int OfficeID)
    List<Advisor> lstAdvisors = null;
    using (AdvisorDataModelDataContext _context = new AdvisorDataModelDataContext())
        var advisors = from adv in _context.Advisors
                       join advisoroffice in _context.OfficeAdvisors
                           on adv.AdvisorId equals advisoroffice.AdvisorId
                       where advisoroffice.OfficeId == OfficeID
                       group adv by adv.OfficeId into g
                       order by g.Sequence
                       select g;

        lstAdvisors = advisors.ToList();

    return lstAdvisors;

Note: I am not able to currently test this on Visual Studio but should work.

You can add an order by clause like this:

var advisors = from adv in _context.Advisors
                  join advisoroffice in _context.OfficeAdvisors
               on adv.AdvisorId equals advisoroffice.AdvisorId
               where advisoroffice.OfficeId == OfficeID
               orderby advisoroffice.Sequence //  < -----
               select adv;
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