
How to compare two array string using Eg:

string[] com1 = { "COM6", "COM7" };
string[] com2 = { "COM6", "COM7","COM8" };

Here com1 and com2 are Array string. Result: COM8. How to achieve this?

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I think this the shortest way to solve this

foreach (string com in com2 )
    if (!com1.Contains(com))


Sounds like you want everything in array2 except what's in array1:

var onlyInArray2 = array2.Except(array1);

Of course, if you also wanted to know what was only in array1 you could use:

var onlyInArray1 = array1.Except(array2);

(This all requires .NET 3.5 or higher, or an alternative LINQ to Objects implementation such as LINQBridge.)

I'm assuming that order isn't important when computing differences - Except is a set-based operator, so assumes that you're regarding the collections as sets.

Note that Except just returns an IEnumerable<T> - if you want the results as arrays, you'll need to call ToArray:

var onlyInArray2 = array2.Except(array1).ToArray();
var onlyInArray1 = array1.Except(array2).ToArray();

If you want the symmetric difference, i.e. you only care about which values are in a single array, rather than which array they came from, you could use:

var onlyInOneArray = array1.Union(array2).Except(array1.Intersect(array2));

or you could use HashSet directly:

var set = new HashSet<string>(array1);
// This modifies the set...

In all of these, the resulting order is undefined, although in practice Except will preserve the original order of the first argument. While this is strictly speaking an implementation detail, I think it's very unlikely to change.

Like the other set-based operators in LINQ, Except will only return any element once - so if COM8 appeared twice in array2, it would only appear once in the result.

Using the Linq Except extension:

IEnumerable<string> result = com2.Except(com1); 
// result: { "COM8" }

You could use IEnumerable.Except.

If you want everything that's in one list but not both, in a single expression, you could use Union, Intersect and Except:

var inOnlyOneArray = array1.Union(array2).Except(array1.Intersect(array2));

As others have already said, the Except extension method is definitely the way to go here. I will add, however, that it looks like you might want some control over how the comparisons are made; if 'COM8' refers to a serial port identifier, then you'd want to perform a case-insensitive comparison:

var result = com2.Except(com1, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
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