
Like in classic PHP we use the magic variables to start and create sessions, so how to do that in Symfony?

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In your controller, you can access session variables through the user object.

// Get a session value
$name = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('name', 'default_value');
// Set a session value
$this->getUser()->setAttribute('name', $value);


In Symfony2, the syntax is different:

$session = $this->getRequest()->getSession();

// store an attribute for reuse during a later user request
$session->set('foo', 'bar');

// in another controller for another request
$foo = $session->get('foo');

You can also get session variables from Twig, without having to pass the session variable explicitly (it's in the global 'app'):

{{ app.session.get('foo', 'bar'); }}
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