
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 (on Windows 2003 Server / 32 bit) to compile a library and after the DLL is produced the "Custom Build Step" -> "General" executes a command line:

regsvr32 /s /c "($TargetPath)"

which generates the exception:

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in regsvr32.exe [212].

This throws up a debug session, which shows remarkably little information.

Running the regsvr32 from the command line in a cmd window throws an exception (though the number at the end is different).

Any pointers appreciated!

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run the dll in the debugger, set regsvr32 as the debug target.

You'll want to place a breakpoint in the DllRegisterServer function.


Your code should implement DllRegisterServer, add a MessageBox there, and when you run regsvr32 it should be hit, attach to the process at that time

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