
I'm using the Felix OSGi iPOJO library, and I'm programmatically accessing Factories to create ComponentInstances. I've read over the code here:

to try to figure out why my call to getPojoObject() is returning null.

My question is under what conditions could the getPojoObject() method return null?

EDIT: I think I understand what I'm asking now - as TofuBeer pointed out, it says in the JavaDoc it can return null whenever there is any kind of problem instantiating the object - this is not a helpful value to return, and the way it is handled hides what the real error is. Thanks for the extra set of eyes, TofuBeer, this was driving me crazy.

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Looking at the code, any time

private Object createObject()

returns null then getPojoObject would return null.

The createObject method has reasonable comments/error messages for each case that null gets returned.

Is there more to your question? Are you, for instance, having it return null and are trying to track down why?

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