
.NET ClickOnce applications get deployed into a subfolder of C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Apps\2.0. In development we tend to make a large number of small changes and with regular deployments a lot of junk can accumulate into this folder. Surprisingly 'Delete Temporary Internet Files' does not remove old stuff from this folder. Does anyone know if Windows / .NET takes any steps to remove stuff from here or does it just go on accumulating. Thanks!

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Mage is a ClickOnce tool that comes with the framework sdk. The command...

Mage.exe -cc

...will clear out your application cache. You may have to search a little to find mage. Different versions of the sdk seems to install in different locations. On my machine it's located here, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\mage.exe.

Another alternative is to use the publish option that makes your application available offline. You will then get an entry in your regular "Add/Remove Programs" that you can use to remove applications.


rundll32 %windir%\system32\dfshim.dll CleanOnlineAppCache
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