
I'm trying to post to a fan page as the fan page, not as the user.

On the old SDK, I simply asked for "me/accounts" and received the access token. Now I can do the same, but I have no way to use that Token, since FBRequest takes its access token from the active session (also, it's a readonly property).

Does anyone knows how to create another session or simply FBRequests with the page token?


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Found a solution, it's not the cleanest, but it's working:
Note: Updated for Facebook SDK 3.2+

- (void)postAsFanPageWithToken:(NSString *)aFanPageToken {  
    if (self.selectedFanPage == nil) {
        self.userAccessToken = [FBSession activeSession].accessTokenData.accessToken;
    //Using KVC, since it is a readonly property
    [[FBSession activeSession].accessTokenData setValue:aFanPageToken forKey:@"accessToken"];

- (void)postAsMe {
    if (self.userAccessToken == nil) {
        return; //Already posting as me
    [[FBSession activeSession].accessTokenData setValue:self.userAccessToken forKey:@"accessToken"];
    self.userAccessToken = nil;

// Make sure you cleanup on logout
- (void)logout {
    self.userAccessToken = nil;
    [[FBSession activeSession] closeAndClearTokenInformation];
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