
I am trying to use JMockit's code coverage abilities. Using the JVM parameter


I am able to run my tests (jmockit.jar and coverage.jar are on the classpath), unfortunately my log file says:

Loaded external tool: mockit.coverage.CodeCoverage=.*
Loaded external tool: mockit.integration.junit3.JUnitTestCaseDecorator
Loaded external tool: mockit.integration.junit4.JUnit4ClassRunnerDecorator
Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
    at mockit.coverage.CodeCoverage$

...and no coverage file is generated. Has anyone gotten JMockit Coverage to work? If so, any thoughts as to what is causing this error? Thanks...

Answer: I needed to add coverage to the bootstrap entries rather than only the user entries (in the Eclipse run configuration)

Actual Answer The actual answer is that I was running the test with JUnit 3, but the coverage needs JUnit 4. That fixed things, and I didn't have to add any bootstrap entries.

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I was running the test with JUnit 3, but the coverage needs JUnit 4. That fixed things, and I didn't have to add any bootstrap entries.


Random guess... Is coverage.jar on the classpath that jmockit uses - it might be a different one?

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