
I have been looking at jQUery thickbox for showing modal dialogs with images, it is great. But now I have the need to display a hidden div of content that contains an iFrame in a similar fashion, with a link to open the content. So I'd have something like this.

<a href="">Open window in Modal Dialog</a>

<div id="myContent">
    <h1>Look at me!</h1>
    <iframe src="" />

And need to show it in the dialog. Is it possible?

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Thickbox supports that. See inline content demo at


I use jqModal and it works nicely and is lightweight. Here is how I get it to work with an iFrame

This is html

<div class="jqmWindow" id="modalDialog">  
    <iframe frameborder="0" id="jqmContent" src=""> 

And the calling code

function showModal(url, height, width)
    var dialog = $('#modalDialog')
            onShow: function(h) {
                var $modal = $(h.w);                
                var $modalContent = $("iframe", $modal); 
                $modalContent.html('').attr('src', url); 
                if (height > 0) $modal.height(height);    
                if (width > 0) $modal.width(width);                

function closeModal(postback)

I have an extension to jQueryUI's dialog that uses an iFrame as it's base view... it adjusts a few defaults (like adding an OK/Cancel button) but should be a decent base for what you need. I know this is an old question, but just wanting to make people aware of it.

Below are the details of my fix. Hopefully you can integrate these changes into your JQuery plugin. I am using jquery 1.4.2 and jquery UI 1.8.2.

In jquery-frameddialog.js, I changed the width and height to be 100% (not px) and then changed the FIX for jQueryUI 1.7 to be the following instead:

wrap.bind('dragstart', function() {; })
  .bind('dragstop', function() { overlay.hide(); })
  .bind('resizestart', function() {; })
  .bind('resizestop', function() { overlay.hide(); });
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