
I can't seem to get Visual SVN and Visual Studio Beta 2 to work together, anyone know of a workaround???

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This is known problem. We're working on it and provide fix soon.

As workaround you may copy file "C:\Program Files\[Prev Visual studio]\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\microsoft.visualstudio.dll" to C:\Program Files\VisualSVN\bin directory.


The latest generation VisualSVN in reporting Visual Studio 2010 compatibility:

There's also a post about getting it to work with the first beta here:

The workaround solved the problem for me. Look in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies for the dll.

I know ankhsvn is working on it. Might you give them a try?

Have you updated to a recent build?

VisualSVN change log

Ivan: The workaround to copy a DLL describes a DLL that I am unable to locate. I don't have a "microsoft.visualstudio.dll". Can you please elaborate?

EDIT: Ahhh ... I think my browser had left out the ..\[Prev Visual studio]\.. part. I just read an empty segment ..\\.., and so I was looking for it in the Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 folder. Found it! Thanks.

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