
I wanted to try to deploy our project for .net 3.5 client framework (so that we could distribute it with smaller runtime), but when I go to VS 2008 Project properties and check the “Client-only Framework subset” checkbox (and click Save all), it has no effect - the .csproj file does not change (the diff for whole project is empty), and when I open the project proeprties next time, the checkbox is unxecked again.

Do I have to install some VS hotfix, or does this really work just in VS2010? I hoped that after checking this, the compiler would warn me when I use a library that is not included in client subset of .NET.

The project type is C# .net 3.5 wpf application.

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I just tried enabling the Client-only Framework subset option in a brand new WPF Application project in VS 2008 SP1 (9.0.30729.1 SP). It caused <TargetFrameworkSubset>Client</TargetFrameworkSubset> to be added to the first <PropertyGroup> in the .csproj file. Unchecking the option again changed the value from Client to Full.

With the option enabled, I get warnings about references to assemblies that are not available in the Client subset:

Could not resolve assembly "System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, processorArchitecture=x86". The assembly is not listed as part of the "Client" TargetFrameworkSubset.

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