
I have a very strange problem, when I try to var_dump (or print_r) a Doctrine Object, my Apache responses with an empty blank page (200 OK header). I can var_dump a normal php var like:

$dummy = array("a" => 1, "b" =>2);

And it works fine. But I can't with any object from any Doctrine class, (like a result from $connection->query(), or an instance of a class from my object model with Doctrine).

Anybody knows why this happens?

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I've had that sometimes when trying to print_r() a self-referencing object - it gets into a loop and runs out of memory. Possibly that's what's happening to you.

Try increasing the memory limit (ini_set('memory_limit', '256M');) and see if that fixes it.

Edit: I don't think there's an actual fix for this - it's PHP's internal var_dump / print_r that don't limit depth on recursion (or don't do it properly, at least). If you install the XDebug extension, this can replace the built-in var_dump with a version that handles recursion much better.


Lazy load proxies always contain an instance of Doctrine’s EntityManager and all its dependencies.

Therefore a var_dump will possibly dump a very large recursive structure which is impossible to render and read. You have to use \Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug::dump() to restrict the dumping to a human readable level. Note that the default depth for this function is set to 2 (it's the second parameter)

Use the toArray method of the Doctrine_Record class


will only display the DB fields and avoid dumping the complete Doctrine internals (which contains self reference/recursion btw)

You can use toArray if you are sure the object is an instance of Doctrine_Collection. Xdebug does not help with doctrine records.

The way I suggest is implementing a custom recursive function to print object, that use Doctrine_Record::toArray() when neeeded

function var_dump_improved()
   foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
       if ($args instanceof Doctrine_Collection) {
       } else if ( $arg instanceof Traversable || is_array($arg) ) {
          // do a foreach and recall var_dump_improved on subelements
       } else if (...) {
          // other types

Some recursive function to debug with max nesting levels are here

Look at the comments, look for "recursion"

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