
Is there any java chart library that supports OLAP data, like ChartFX Olap or Dundas Chart ?


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In order to display any data as a chart, it will need to be reduced to a 2D recordset - which is what OLAP gives you when you run an MDX query.

If you've got that 2D data, you can pass it to any chart/graph code really.

I used to use ASP to run the MDX, and write out XML. This was turned into a chart with client-side JavaScript. I wrote the lot myself and it was a nightmare! Use Google charts or Flot.


JFreeChart or JasperReports would be my recommendations.

It's currently only working with icCube Server but you can have a look at Javascript Visualization Library.

There are some examples of integration with Google Visualization, AmCharts and Protovis. Actually you can integrate this in any JS library.

Here is the obligatory google solves that answer: Google Charts.

However, these will not be hosted on your system. I'm also not sure they support post request types, so the amount of data you can send is limited to the size of a get request url.

jCharts: is one I have used in the past.

To echo what others have said, yes, the Google Chart API may provide a lightweight solution along with a Java wrapper API like charts4j (disclaimer: I wrote charts4j). To see a complete listing of all Google Chart wrapper APIs, see here.

Have you looked at olap4j?

Although not a charting library, you can use it to query OLAP cubes. The returned objects may be easier to manage.

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