
We have a network folder on the Windows domain in which we would like to keep the release source codes. We would like to be able to build the code on the machine of a random developer of our team.

So I created a network folder and checked out the source code into it. Whenever I do an Update, there aren't any problems. But it looks like no one else but me is able to do an update into that folder. They get the following error in tortoisesvn:

Working copy "blabla" locked
sqlite: attempt to write a readonly database

How can I fix this issue?

No correct solution


Working Copy on network drive (and repository also) was and is always Bad Idea (tm)

Quote from Simon Large

Placing repositories on a network share has always been discouraged very strongly. Sharing working copies has always been strongly discouraged too, because it negates the whole point if having revision control.

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