
I have been asked to audit any/all changes in a MySQL table. Does anyone know of any tools out there to help me do this or do I need to write my own solution?

If I write my own audting, my initial thought it to make a separate table and build a string of changes in the PHP code. Something like "fieldname1 -> oldvalue | fieldname2 -> oldvalue, ...". If you see a major problem with this method, please let me know.

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The only sure-fire way to capture all changes to a DB table is to use triggers on the Server. The risk of modifing your own code to audit the changes is that changes from another application/user etc will not be captured.

Having said that, I'm not sure that MySQL 4 had trigger support.


Use a trigger to detect changes and to write before/after values to a log table.

If you wind up hand-rolling a solution due lack of trigger support, I strongly recommend that you don't just dump the changes in a string blob. One day you will be asked to query that data and you will wind up having to do a bunch of string parsing to get your data back out. (I speak from experience here.)

The simplest approach is just to create a shadow audit table that has all of the same columns as the original table, plus a change date column and a sequential id. Then you have the entire history at hand to reconstruct in whatever format you need, and you can query it at will.

SoftTree DB Audit has MySQL support, might do what you're after:

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