
When trying to merge to xts objects, it doesn't look like the suffixes arg is working properly:

x <- xts(1:10, seq.Date(from=as.Date("2012-01-01"), len=10, by=1))
y <- xts(11:20, seq.Date(from=as.Date("2012-01-01"), len=10, by=1))

names(x) <- "x"
names(y) <- "x"

merge(x,y,suffixes=c("truex", "truey"))

            x x.1
2012-01-01  1  11
2012-01-02  2  12
2012-01-03  3  13
2012-01-04  4  14
2012-01-05  5  15
2012-01-06  6  16
2012-01-07  7  17
2012-01-08  8  18
2012-01-09  9  19
2012-01-10 10  20

Am I misusing?

Was it helpful?


While merge.xts seems to be broken, merge.zoo does work:

> merge.zoo(x,y,suffixes=c("truex", "truey"))
           x.truex x.truey
2012-01-01       1      11
2012-01-02       2      12
2012-01-03       3      13
2012-01-04       4      14
2012-01-05       5      15
2012-01-06       6      16
2012-01-07       7      17
2012-01-08       8      18
2012-01-09       9      19
2012-01-10      10      20
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