
What are some of your favorite rails plugins that you would consider "must haves"?

This entry lists some of my favorites that I use in a large majority of my rails applications: My favorite rails plugins

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I use all of these in 99% of all of my Rails projects. Each link provides detailed information regarding what they do and why they are awesome.

Hope that helped!


If your app has any kind of user model, Rick Olsen's restful-authentication is a must.

I'm also partial to exception_notification for keeping tabs on errors in production apps.

HAML (and its sibling SASS) are really number one for me. You can learn them in only a few minutes and the time they save adds up very quickly.

Also, take a look at Authlogic as an alternative to RESTful Authentication.

most common i've used across projects lately (by no means all just most common)

acts_as_taggable shoulda (gem, but better unit testing)

Normal App Development

  • RESTFul authentication
  • shoulda
  • I prefer Hoptoad over Exception Notifier, but both have their merits
  • Mocha stubbing library
  • Factory Girl

Facebook Development

  • facebooker
  • facebooker_authentication

Some already listed in other answers that don't need repeating plus:

  • acts_as_categoy
  • paperclip
  • open_id_authentication
  • ZenTest gem

ar_mailer for email delivery.

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