
I feel a bit embarrassed asking this questions, but how the heck can I get regular undo/redo buttons into the toolbar of eclipse?

I've often to switch between German and English keyboard layout. Y and Z on those layouts is interchanged and thus I constantly trigger the wrong action for undo / redo. I've observed myself how I figure this without other editors: I just use the toolbars for this operations.

I've already tried Google and such, as well as going through the Customize Perspective dialog, but wasn't able to find what I'm looking for :-(

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One way is to use custom plugin. In fact, such custom plugin doesn't need to do anything, only declare new toolbar contribution using existing undo/redo commands.

I've built such plugin for you: There is absolutely no code, only plugin.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.4"?>



Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Undoredo
Bundle-SymbolicName: undoredo;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui

You can download it, and drop into your 'dropins' directory of Eclipse, restart, and you'll see Undo/Redo buttons on your toolbar.

Works for me in Eclipse 3.4 and Eclipse 3.5M7.


Perhaps if can't get the undo toolbar working, you can change the mapping of the Undo / Redo key combinations to ones you could become more comfortable with.

In Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences and in the left-tree, go to General > Keys.

In the 'type filter text' box, type Undo and you'll see the Undo command appear in the bottom list. You're free to change this mapping from the default Ctrl + Z to another mapping. You may likewise do the same for Redo and any other actions, such as removing trailing whitespace, etc.

Edit: this is now included in Peter Štibraný's answer

Old thread, but still helpful... Made a small addition to Peter Štibraný's excellent answer. Changed the opening toolbar tag to:


This makes the new toolbar show up with the label Undo/Redo in the Customize Perspective dialog instead of showing up as a blank entry. (Don't have enough rep to add it to the comments!)

The toolbars and menus are dependent on the current perspective. To change them go to Window > Customize Perspective...

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