
A little background: I currently make use of Memcached Providers for managing session state in my ASP.NET application. It provides facilities for using SQL Server as a fallback storage mechanism (when sessions need to be purged from the memcached cache). I'd like to look at creating a provider for RavenDB as it would be much more performant for this sort of task.

My question is, has anyone implemented such a thing? (or something similar?) - I'd hate to re-invent the wheel. Google does not yield any helpful results (other than my question about this in the RavenDB group itself), so I thought I'd take this question directly to the Stack Overflow community.

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I was also seeking a RavenDB session-state store, and my search also failed.

So I created one:

Also available via a NuGet package.


Not as far as I know. RavenDB is pretty active project and Memcached has been practically dead for 2 yr and remained 32-bit. You might be better off just running RavenDB under IIS

OK, so code-wise it doesn't get smaller than this - single file:

RavenDb provides a Session expiration bundle which means that documents are deleted after a specified lifetime. This is ideal for use as a session and means that your entire aggregate root will be retrieved from RavenDb, meaning much cleaner code: RavenDb Expiration Bundle

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