
i connecting to a access database with php and adodb. Strings with characters like ® are saved in the database as ® . What can i do to store it correctly?

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Looks like you're passing in a UTF8 string but you're not storing it as UTF8. Change it one way or the other so they match up (preferably change your database to UTF8).


@RoBOrg: Yes, but i didn't find a way to store it as utf8. The connection string is allready with charset=utf8 "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=something.mdb;UID=Administrator;Charset=utf8" and i didn't find any possibility in adodb to change the storing charset for access databases. I'm updating with command text. (I sent this as comment before, sorry.)

If you update with command texts, I would have a look at the way the commandText property of your connection is elaborated. I bet that your character update is done even before the INSERT/UPDATE string is sent to the database.

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