
I'm using SASS to generate a @font-face mixin, however this:

=remotefont(!name, !url)
    font-family = !name
    src = url(!url + ".eot")
    src = local(!name), url(!url + ".ttf") format("truetype")

+remotefont("My font", "/myfont.ttf")

becomes this:

@font-face {
  font-family: My font;
  src: url(/myfont.ttf.eot);
  src: local(My font), url(/myfont.ttf.ttf) format(truetype); }

No matter how much I try, I can't have it quote either "My font" (with "!name") or "truetype" (it removes the quotes). Any ideas on how I can do this?

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It can be made a little better using string interpolation:

!name = "asdf"
  font-family = "\"#{!name}\""

But I agree that we need a better approach for dealing with quoted strings in sass. Sass has enough context to do something intelligent here and not offload the quoting logic to the user.


You can quote in your variables, use single quotes inside double quotes. This is how I do it:

!string = "'Myriad Pro', 'Lucida Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
  :font-family= !string

This will compile correctly to:

  font-family: 'Myriad Pro', 'Lucida Sans', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }

I think you can't quote the other way round (i.e. double quotes inside single quotes). Doing that will give you compile errors.

Hope that helped!

Okay, I found that I need to do:

"\"" + !name + "\""

Damn that's some awkward syntax...

Using I have a corresponding Sass mixin:

=addfont(!name, !url, !family = 0)
  @if !family == 0
    !family = !name
    font-family = "'#{!name}'"
    src = url(!url + ".eot")
    src = local("'#{!name}'"), local("'#{!family}'"), url(!url + ".woff") format("'woff'"), url(!url + ".ttf") format("'truetype'"), url(!url + ".svg#" + !name) format("'svg'")

This puts quotes around things:

@font-face {
  src: url("\"#{$ngx-font-path}/ngx-icon.eot\"");
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