
I am trying to figure out how to attach to a tmux session if a named tmux session exists, if not I want to create a new one with the given name.

Currently, I know of a few tmux commands which can partly achieve what I am looking for, but its not clear how to combine them together to get what I am looking for:

  • tmux attach attaches to an automatically existing session - but errors out if no session exists
  • tmux new creates a new session - but it does so every time, so I can't leave it in my .tmux.conf
  • tmux has-session tests whether a session exists - but I don't know how to stitch it together with the other commands

Thus, I would like to create a tmux script, so that this happens automatically, instead of having to manually create it everytime I need to log into a sessions.

How can I write a automatic script so as to create a new tmux session (if a given session name doesnt exist) or attach to a session name (if it exists)?

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Alternately, you can add


to your .tmux.conf - that will create a default session on server start.

Then tmux attach will either attach to the current session (running server, that is), or create a new session (start the server, read the config file, issue the new-session command) and attach to that.


I figured it out (and had it pointed out to me).

tmux attach || tmux new

As pointed out in comments from Petr Viktorin, jkoelker and pjincz, you can use the following command to attach to mySession if it exists, and to create it if it doesn't:

 tmux new -A -s mySession

From man tmux:

new-session[-AdDEP] [-cstart-directory] [-Fformat] [-nwindow-name] [-ssession-name] [-tgroup-name] [-xwidth] [-yheight] [shell-command]

(alias: new)

Create a new session with name session-name.


The -A flag makes new-session behave like attach-session if session-name already exists; in this case, -D behaves like -d to attach-session.

new-session has supported -A since tmux-1.8.

Although I find rampion's answer is sufficient for using 1 session, this script lets you setup multiple sessions:

SESSIONS="work play"

function has-session {
    tmux has-session -t $1 2>/dev/null

function except 
    if [ "$?" -eq 1 ] ; then

# Configure your sessions here
function session-work
    tmux new-session -d -s work
    tmux neww -k -t work:1

function session-play
    tmux new-session -d -s play
    tmux neww -k -t play:1

for x in $SESSIONS
    echo $x
    has-session $x
    except session-$x


-k  --> new-window will not be created if already exists
-d  --> start session or window, but don't attach to it yet
-s  --> name the session
-t  --> specify a target location in the form session:window.pane 

Adapting Alex's suggestion to include project based configuration upon startup, I started using the following:

# ~/bin/tmux-myproject shell script
# The Project name is also used as a session name (usually shorter)

tmux has-session -t $PROJECT_NAME 2>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -eq 1 ] ; then
    echo "No Session found.  Creating and configuring."
    pushd $PROJECT_DIR
    tmux new-session -d -s $PROJECT_NAME
    tmux source-file ~/bin/tmux-${PROJECT_NAME}.conf
    echo "Session found.  Connecting."
tmux attach-session -t $PROJECT_NAME

where tmux-myproject.conf is my startup series of tmux commands to create my windows and panes, as well as start my editors.

I use an alias to create a new session if needed, and attach to my default session if it already exists:

alias tmuxre='tmux new-session -t default || tmux new-session -s default'

I added this to my .login on my server.

The reason I do it this way is because I don't want to attach to the same actual session, I want a new session which uses the same group of windows.

This is also similar to running screen -xRR.

For those who want to do the same thing in fish:

tmux attach -t mysesh; or tmux new -s mysesh
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