
i have created project referring to this example . now i want to separate the" some data....." template to another page. with the "" remains in the same aspx page.

PROBLEM : in .js file

var t = new Sys.Preview.UI.Template.getTemplate($get("myTemplate")); t.createInstance($get("data"), {....,...,some data}

this statement get the templates from the same page ie from where this page is called... now that i have separated the two div (templates) it gives me an error .... "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'null' is null or not an object"

what i can do to separate two div tags in different pages

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well...i got this answer after loooong research so thank you all who replied to my questions

ok to externalize the ajax template 1st create a partial view (.ascx) and cut paste the template[ie- .....]

now on your main page there is only an empty div now add this script to it calling it onclick[button,link]

<script type="text/javascript">
               function calltemp2() {
                   $.get("/Templates/SelectTemp2", function(result) {

create another empty div having id Renderthisdiv

imp!! give j query reference

and lastly cut-paste this to external template (.ascx)

<script type="text/javascript">
        function appInit() {

run it hopefully there is no problem

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