
On the local machine it is no problem to get the revision number of a subversion repository with svnversion. Now I want to get the revision number from my online repository (WebDAV with Apache2).

I tried this:


In a browser it worked as usual (just to ensure there weren't typos or so), but svnversion said that the directory cannot be found. So I presume I was on the wrong track.

How can I get the revision number?

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svnversion is just for working copies, but one way to query your repository would be to use svn info as follows:

svn info | grep Revision


On Linux, if you want just the revision number:

svn info | grep '^Revision:' | awk '{print $2}'

svn info

should return information about the remote repository, including Revision

A handy AWK one-liner to get only the number portion:

svn info | awk '/Revision:/ { print $2 }'

On new version of svn (1.9) you can do:

svn info --show-item revision svn://...

This should return only the revision number.

All the grep version will break if your locale is not english.

For previous version, you can try

svn info --xml | grep '<entry' -3 | awk -F '=' '/revision="/ { print $2 }' | grep -o '[0-9]\+'

If you can have the xml2 package a better way is to do:

svn info --xml | xml2 | grep /info/entry/@revision | grep -o '[0-9]\+' 
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