
I am a novice to Platform Builder.

I need to know how to work with platform builder.

As I googled I was not able to find where to start from.

Following is what I am looking for.

  1. What exact tools to download? As I searched there is no tool called as platform builder. So what to download.
  2. Any books or articles on the same.
  3. Walkthrough for using the same.
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First you need to download the Evaluation Edition of Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (it includes Studio 2005).

Next download R3.

Books are pretty rare. Sam Phung has the only one that is current.

MSDN has loads of walk throughs.

Be forewarned, it is probably the most complex tool you're ever used (unless you've done embedded OS development before) and it takes a long time to get proficient in it. I'd highly recommend gettting actual in-person training.


The best source I found is the video tutorials from Microsoft (by Adeneo)

There is a free Exam Preparation Kit from Microsoft that you can download here:

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