
Is there a library in Flash to access and draw vector data from OpenStreetMap?

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See Halcyon. It is an OSM rendering engine written in flash. It downloads and renders vector data, not pre-rendered tiles.


One option would be to use OpenLayers, which can draw OpenStreetMap data. One example use of this is the data layer on the OpenStreetMap website (Click the blue + in the top right and the check data).

Alternatively you could look into the upcoming replacement to the current online OpenStreetMap editor Potlatch, which has a data viewer fully built in flash, which in active development. Search for Potlatch 2/Halcyon. which links to an example of it in action.

I just found this page with a hint to a Flash library for OpenStreetMap: Using OpenStreetMap. It links on the following page:

Advanced Flash Components

It shows a little demo with Flash showing Live Maps (Bing Maps). The description says it will work with OpenStreetMap, too, but I haven't found a demo with it.

Update: In the showcase, I discovered GSP Mission that is able to show OpenStreetMap. Looks very neat, I admit.

Have a try!

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