
i am making an upload with Ajaxupload plugin and i am using this function in OnComplete event of ajaxupload;

function degis(){
var a = "<?php echo $id; ?>";
document.getElementById("imga").src = "../artwork/"+a+"/logo.jpg?dummy=371662";
document.getElementById("imga").style.width = "500px";
document.getElementById("imga").style.height = "175px";

but new uploaded image doesnt appear for a reason. i tried that "?dummy=371662" but didnt work.

i am also using this for Onsubmit event of ajaxupload

function updeg(){
var a = "uploading.gif";
document.getElementById("imga").style.width = "50px";
document.getElementById("imga").style.height = "50px";
document.getElementById("imga").src = a;


this is the html of this element

 <img id="imga" alt="" height="175px" src="../artwork/<?php echo $id; ?>/logo.jpg?dummy=371662" width="500px">

Any suggestions on this ?

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Based on your edits and comments above, I think you need something like this:

function junk() {
    return (new Date()).getTime() + Math.round(Math.random());

function degis() {
    var img = document.getElementById("imga");
    if (img) {
        img.src = "../artwork/<?php echo $id; ?>/logo.jpg?nocache=" + junk(); = "500px"; = "175px";

Your previous attempt to bypass the cache doesn't work because your "dummy" value is the same each time. By use of a junk() function, as above, you get a different random value each time, ensuring that the image cannot be cached.

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