
I install the subversion on my windows server 2008. But it's only work localhost. It don't work when i try from another computer. I can't find out whats the problem is. Are there any ports or something like that i need to configure?

This was the guide i follow

Thaks for your help

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Let's add the solution as an answer, too. When you run the standalone svnserve server, you need to set up your firewall to allow traffic to port 3690 on the host machine.


have you tried using this - we are using it - free and easy to setup.


I ran into the same problem. Make sure that svnserve uses IP V4 instead of IP V6. You can do this by adding the parameter --listen-host to the commandline of svnserve.

Go to a free DNS service such as DynDNS or and register a free domain, such as You must then download an IP-update client (both DynDNS and No-IP have their own clients). The client will then keep your IP updated on the DNS server whenever it changes. This way you can always access the SVN server via the domain name you registered (e.g.

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