
I want to display a list of articles in my tag's show view. I'm using the acts as taggable redux plugin in a Rails 2.3.2 and SQLite3 app. I've got as far as the basic example takes me, assigning tags and then displaying a list of them with the article.

Now I want to display a list of articles belonging to a tag but get the following error:

undefined method `article' for #<Tag id: 1, name: "various", taggings_count: 1>



class Article < ActiveRecord::Base  


class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base  



def show
  @tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
  @articles = @tag.articles



<% for article in @articles %>  
<% end %>  

Here is a link to the migration file.

Thanks very much.

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Solution 3

Many thanks to Geemus, author of acts as taggable redux for explaining this to me.

To display a list of articles with a specific tag I just needed to change the tags_controller from:


def show
  @tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
  @articles = @tag.articles


Controller /tags_contoller.rb

def show
  @tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
  @articles = @tag.tagged


I believe the plugin is not the one to blame here, it's sqlite that's bringing you trouble. I encountered this one before - it seems sqlite can't understand 'table_name.column_name' syntax, even though it's not mentioned on the website. In my case I just switched to MySQL, and the whole thing went without a problem. See if this helps.

The problem is that you have a model named Object. Give it a name that has no overlap with Ruby system classes, such as ApplicationObject or MediaObject.

I could speculate on why that's causing the issues it is, but it would only be speculation. Open classes is a wonderful feature of Ruby, but it means you need to be careful naming your classes so they're distinct from Ruby's and Rail's classes.

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