
How can I embed Stackexchange reputation scores and badge counts into my Wordpress blog? I want to show on my blog a small table with accounts as rows and columns consisting of rep scores and badge counts. Any ideas on how to do this?

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Solution 2

Here's a testing code I already had for consuming Stack Exchange API:

 * Plugin Name: Print SE-API Results as Admin Notice

add_action( 'admin_notices', 'b5f_consume_se_api' );

function b5f_consume_se_api() 
    $user = '1417894';
    $page_size = '&pagesize=3';
    $order = '&order=desc';
    $sort = '&sort=votes';

    $so = wp_remote_get( 
        . $user
        . '/answers?site=stackexchange'
        . $page_size . $order . $sort ,     
            'timeout'     => 120, 
            'httpversion' => '1.1' 

    if ( $so['response']['code'] == '200' )
        $so_array = json_decode( $so['body'], true );
        var_dump( $so_array['items'] );

This is the URL being consulted and its JSON result. It returns the last 3 answers from the OP, sorted by votes (descending).

Check the docs and adapt everything to suit your needs.


You could you use User Flair for this:

Add a text widget your sidebar and paste your flair HTML code in it.

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