
Tengo una aplicación que estoy envolviendo en un instalador. Me gustaría, ya sea a través del registro, o escribiendo un guión, habilitar IIS 6 Compatibilidad con la metabase en IIS 7.

¿Alguien sabe si esto es posible?

¿Fue útil?


You should be able to use dism.exe or pkgmgr.exe or ocsetup.exe to automate the installation of this component. You can technically do this these days because Windows Vista ( as far as I know ) always caches the WIM file needed to install the component.

Still, I wouldn't do it. I'd just upgrade to InstallShield 2010 which has native II7 capabilities. Or you could use Windows Installer XML 3.5 which has the same. You eliminate the dependency and simplify the deployment in the process.

If you decide to do it anyways, check out this good article:

Install Typical IIS Workloads

UI Name Update Name

IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility IIS-Metabase

IIS 6 WMI Compatibility

IIS-WMICompatibility IIS 6

Scripting Tools IIS-LegacyScripts

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