
¿Qué software que utiliza para sus necesidades relacionadas con WordPress?

Por favor, indique su sistema operativo.

En las ventanas uso XP I:

  • filezilla (FTP)
  • Notepad ++ (para la lectura de PHP / archivos CSS)
  • Firebug (una extensión de Firefox que me permita jugar con un elementos del sitio web)

Otras cosas que yo no uso regularmente, pero me gustaría usar más - xaamp (versión local de WP) - github / SVN (un sistema de control de versiones para mis archivos)

¿Qué hay de ti?

¿Fue útil?


SO Windows 7 x64


El control de versiones


  • Chrome extensiones de desarrollo ya la abundancia, Firefox es maldita lenta


  • Notepad ++ casi nunca se utilizará, ya recogido NetBeans
  • PHPXref más fácil de navegar i códigonside NetBeans
  • WP sintonizador gran actuación de perfiles, por desgracia no se mantiene y se rompió para WP3
  • Mowes se convirtió en un problema a la lucha con las actualizaciones de componentes y problemas de estabilidad (Apache comenzó a estrellarse todo el tiempo)
  • NetBeans pasado a PhpStorm
  • eAccelerator - versión moderna no proporcionan memoria caché de objetos, un tanto inestables (se bloquea de vez en cuando)
  • webgrind - no es necesario más, PhpStorm ahora puede analizar y visualización de perfiles registros
  • CSE HTML Validator nunca acaba de llegar a utilizarlo en la parte superior de todo lo demás
  • MySQL Query Browser reemplazado con HeidiSQL

Otros consejos

Yo uso Mac y PC. Aquí están mis respectivas cajas de herramientas:

Tengo un repositorio subversion personal en mi servidor (Mediatemple dv)

Para ambas plataformas:

Para PC (Vista Home Premium):

Para Mac (OS X):

  • Coda para editor de texto, SVN, y SSH CLI
  • de transmisión para FTP (de nuevo, por lo general sólo tiene que utilizar SVN) Parallels w / Windows XP para los distintos navegadores testing
  • Terminal para SVN (a veces)

Xdebug (la mejor manera de escribir gran fuente y ver las notas de WordPress, funciones tal vez no se use) y también las posibilidades de WordPress, como la constante del WP-debug

/** Debugging WP */
define('WP_DEBUG', true); //enable the reporting of notices during development - E_ALL
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); //use the globally configured setting for display_errors and not force errors to be displayed
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true); //error logging to wp-content/debug.log
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true); //loads the development (non-minified) versions of all    scripts and CSS and disables compression and concatenation,
//define('E_DEPRECATED', true); //E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT

más sobre mi caja de herramientas en este post , pero el uso corriente I PhpStorm como IDE, también GitHub como repositorio.

Dentro de WordPress que utilizo el plugin depuración Objetos para una gran cantidad de puestos de trabajo en el contenido de depuración.

utilizo PC hasta el año pasado y ahora Mac y PC así que aquí están las minas:

tanto para Mac y de Windows:

Para Mac (OS X):

Para Windows (Vista Business):

eso es todo.


Flow (cliente FTP) de mi lista y lo reemplazó con Transmit (FTP Client) que es un mucho mejor herramienta. Gracias por la gran recomendación @ John P Bloch!

Para plug-in de desarrollo, uso Eclipse para el desarrollo de PHP.

corro en Ubuntu (siempre la última versión)

Me gusta mantener las cosas lo más simple posible

Mis herramientas de elección:

Geany para la escritura de código

Filezilla para FTP

Gimp para cortar en rodajas y diseños preparados por mi equipo de diseño (que dirigen Photoshop / Illustrator en Windows) dados

Dropbox para compartir archivos entre los desarrolladores / diseñadores

GoogleTalk y Skype para comunicaciones de chat / voz entre los desarrolladores

Una pizarra blanca para la planificación

y pruebas en Chrome, Firefox en Linux y para Windows: Chrome, Firefox, Safari y IETester (para IE), que yo fuego hasta en un antiguo Windows XP PC Debo llamar a mi 'deadbox'

Estoy en Ubuntu 10.04:

  • Vim (edición de texto)
  • Firebug (CSS depuración)
  • Gimp (manipulación de imágenes)
  • Inkscape (art vector)
  • Git (control de versión)
  • Filezilla (FTP)
  • Apache (Wordpress instalación local)


  • Coda & Espresso para PHP / CSS
  • NetBeans IDE para CSS, XHTML, PHP edición etc.
  • Firebug para depurar en Firefox
  • Transmisión por FTP
  • balsámico para wireframes
  • Git para control de versiones
  • Photoshop para comps
  • VMware Fusion para máquinas de desarrollo:

    Cualquier persona puede descargar "gratis" cualquier lámpara, Python, Django etc prebuilt VM desde

Recently made the move to Mac from Windows

Currently Using: Mac OS 10.6.7

  • PHP Storm 3 with the CSS-X Plugin (Integrates with Firebug and saves and versions live CSS edits.
  • Xdebug
  • Capistrano
  • Transmit and ExpanDrive (Mounts remote folders on startup) for SFTP
  • Coda for basic editing when I don't want to open PHP Storm
  • I do all code editing in PHP Storm now
  • LittleSnapper for screen shots and annotations
  • Terminal and nano for working on my live server
  • MAMP Pro for local dev environment
  • Photoshop CS5 for graphix
  • Omnigraffe for wireframes
  • VmWare Fusion for running Windows 7 inside my Mac


Deprecated (for me) Windows Software

  • NetBeans IDE
  • Notepad ++
  • Core FTP
  • Putty and PuttyGen
  • WinSCP

Windows Software using in Virtual Machine

  • IPMI View kvm-over-IP for controlling my server

On my PC:

  1. XAMPP for local dev
  2. Winscp for SFTP/FTP
  3. Git for version control
  4. Sublime for editing text

On my Mac

  1. Transmit for SFTP/FTP
  2. MAMP for local Dev
  3. Textmate for coding
  4. Terminal for working with Git
  5. Gitx for the odd visual view of Git repos
  6. Snippets for storing my code snippets

I'm developing on ubuntu (currently running 10.04).

For wordpress development, I use:

  1. geany (quick editing script)
  2. eclipse (when on full development)
  3. RapidSVN (or eclipse's SVN plugin)
  4. FileZilla
  5. PHPMiniAdmin and PHPMyAdmin
  6. FireBug (for javascript and CSS editing)
  7. Password management with

My strategy when developing plugin hosted on wordpress, I develop that plugin on eclipse's workspace and create symlink from trunks to wp-content/plugins. That way, I can manage my plugins better.

This is a nice thread. I use many of the same tools as above and on windows and linux flavors. Maybe the ones that I use specifically and not mentioned:

Not many have listed the things they use on the customer end of things so I thought I'd share my list:

  • Zendesk for customer support and forums
  • Unfuddle for source control and bug tracking
  • Postmark for reliable sending and tracking of e-mails to customers
  • Maxmind for fraud checking and automatic phone confirmation on developer edition
  • oDesk for when I get behind fixing bugs
  • Mailchimp for e-mail marketing to customers
  • RamShyam - First level of tech support

I also use this Yahoo pipe I made to monitor WordPress security issues and releases and I like to use Ideone for quick testing of code snippets.

Operating Systems:

  • Windows XP (primary)
  • Windows Vista 64 (when i'm not on the laptop)


  • Notepad++ with the Zen Coding plugin (for everything code)
  • FileZilla (for FTP when i need it)
  • Uniform Server (PHP/MySQL/Apache + xdebug which i installed)
  • Firefox Nightlies + Firefox Stable (trunk + stable)
  • Firefox Ext:

    • Firebug
    • Web Developer
    • Stylish _
  • TortoiseSVN (for SVN goodness)
  • Fireworks CS3 (image manipulation)

I think i've covered the important (can't live without) ones.. :)

On Windows XP I use:

  • FileZilla (FTP)
  • Dreamweaver (PHP/CSS/JS)
  • Firebug (a lot of debugging)
  • IETester (To make sure things don't explode in IE6)
  • WAMP (To run a local testing server)
  • Tortoise SVN (To track local changes and sync with the WP Plug-in Repository)
  • Flyspray (an online bug tracker I run on a hosted server)

I use Windows 7 for development and the following tools:

  • Netbeans IDE for CSS, XHTML, PHP editing etc.
  • Notepad++ for some quick editing...
  • XAMPP for local development environment.
  • Firebug for debugging.
  • Google Page Speed and YSlow for site speed optimization.
  • FileZilla for FTP.
  • SilkSVN for Source control.. Required for Wordpress Plugins
  • Putty for ssh
  • etc....

I just use Netbeans php ide,heidiSql,FileZilla,Firebug and Web Developer. Question,is there a similar tool like PHPXref?Some other widnows app?

Well most everything is covered here:)

So I will list stuff that isn't, most this is for Windows.

Agent Ransack its grep for windows and it's free.
NexusFont free font manager for windows, simple has no really good advanced tagging:(
Xenu link sleuth broken link checker, crawler and site maps, amazingly fast.
iBBDemo iphone and ipad tesing
VirtualBox Virtual boxes!
Poedit For translating code/stuff and making .mo/.po files.
CamStudio make vids for clients.
Vector Magic the magical world of vectors, not free but well worth it
Collorzilla for firefox, can't work without.
Ruby backup for linux/osx
Whenever Gem ruby cron tool

I use Fakemail to test diverse mailing functionality of the software.

on OSX:

  1. Aptana for code and svn.
  2. MAMP for the Apache server.
  3. YummyFTP for ftp.
  4. Safari.
  5. VMWare Fusion and Windows XP for testing.

I've always liked to keep things pretty simple.

  • Notepad++
  • FileZilla
  • Google Chrome (love "Inspect")

I really should learn about GIT/SVN etc, but haven't needed it so far.

Most of my tools have already been listed, so repeating them won't add to this discussion any, but some ff extensions not mentioned before that I find useful are:

  • Codeburner for firebug (Reference tool, by SitePoint)
  • Colorzilla (eyedropper tool)
  • MeasureIt (ruler/measurment tool)

I'm on a mac.

My main editor is Dreamweaver CS5, Dreamweaver's had a bum rap in many developer's eyes I think but it's improved a lot in the last few versions. For WordPress dev then the latest CS5 release brings direct support for working with WordPress as well as greatly improved PHP auto-completion so it's a pretty nice coding environment, as well as offering some pretty handy tools for those with a more visual development leaning.

I'm working on OSX but it's pretty much the same on Win or Mac really. Dreamweaver does also offer Subversion integration but personally I prefer to use either Cornerstone or Versions on Mac to deal with SVN.

I try to keep things simple and separated.

I run a Ubuntu server with Apache, MySQL, PHP to use exclusively for testing and hosting work-in-progress for review by others.

Tools on my Mac (development machine):

  • Coda for editing files
  • Transmit for FTP - I can mount the server's www directory right on my desktop!
  • Terminal for SSH to the server ...and Google for help!

I'm surprised no one has mentioned BBEdit yet.

I made the switch from Windows to OS X a year or so ago and the one thing that I couldn't find was an editor that just felt right. I finally settled on BBEdit and have not looked back. There are so many layers of functionality within it, which I am enjoying discovering.

W7 / x64:

  • NetBeans for PHP, HTML, CSS (& LESS, though the plug-in does not function perfectly).
  • XAMPP for environment.
  • TortoiseGIT for some projects (with GitHub)
  • TortoiseSVN for other projects (with Beanstalk)
  • Browsers, all.
  • Photoshop.
  • Excel (CSV -> SQL).
  • WP Plugin Theme-Check

On Mac OSX 10.6.8

  • Aptana v1.5 - this old version has some amazing php capabilities and an awesome local/remote syncing tool with diff previews. Sadly even v3 can't match v1.5 for php features and I've yet to find a more modern IDE that can browse a complex object hierarchy so intuitively. Not easy to configure for remote xdebug, but can be done.
  • Forklift - FTP with local/remote sync capability
  • gitx - basic git gui for OSX
  • CSSEdit - For really big stylesheets or non IDE work. Now part of Espresso
  • Kod - Lightweight text editor
  • Ubuntu server in VMWare Fusion. I prefer this to MAMP as I can create different VMs to match the production environment of different hosts.
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