
He creado un directorio virtual para el sitio predeterminado en IIS que se refirió al directorio donde se encontraba mi sitio web.

Todo funcionaba bien, ya que el sitio predeterminado escuchaba el puerto 80, la aplicación web funcionaba correctamente.

En algún momento, SharePoint se instaló en el servidor en el que trabajaba, deshabilitando el sitio predeterminado y habilitando "SharePoint - 80" que escucha el puerto 80.

No parece que hubiera ninguna otra configuración realizada con SharePoint, aparte de instalarla.

¿Cuál es el método correcto para agregar un sitio web ya existente que se creó por separado de SharePoint?

¿Fue útil?


Use a different URL for SharePoint and configure 'SharePoint - 80' to listen for only that host name. I.e. configure your sharepoint to be something like and then set the bindings in IIS for the sharepoint site to look for only that specific host name. Likewise, you will need to configure the bindings for your other site to also listen for a specific host name so that it doesn't interfere with SharePoint.

However, if your SharePoint environment is going to be of any significant size, you will probably want to avoid sharing a server between SharePoint and other web apps. SharePoint can coexist with other web apps, but doing so makes troubleshooting performance issues and outages an absolute nightmare. SharePoint also has a rather large resource footprint and can choke other apps, particularly on the typical resource-starved virtual machine.

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