
I am trying to set up a secure proxy for my work. This article perm linksuggests I should be using SSH Tunnel + SOCKS Proxy Forwarding. Do I need to have access to a particular shell program on the server, or any shell program will do? I have bash, tcsh, and zsh available.

Long version of the question here.

¿Fue útil?


You run ssh -D 9999 username@ip-address-of-ssh-server on your local machine. You don't need anything else on the remote end except a shell to login to. So bash, tcsh, or zsh is fine.

Once you run your ssh -D command, it's going to look just like you've ssh'ed to "ip-address-of-ssh-server" without the -D 9999 flag. You'll be in a shell and you'll see a command prompt on the remote machine. You can just leave it alone. You'll just need to setup your browser to use SOCKS proxy at localhost:9999.

Otros consejos

Use bash because of its popularity/ubiquity. The majority of examples you'll find will use this syntax.

But ssh's feature set are independent of the shell used.

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