
Alright there seems to be several issues with the script and i can't seem to figure out any of them, also some feedback on the script would be greatly apperciated. This is still my first script so it probably needs lots of little tweaks so please tell me whatever suggestions comes to mind.

Issues: Mostly all issues revolve around the logging.

  1. Log file is not being checked so the script keeps adding computers to the log file over and over.

  2. The log file does not update the information that is generated such as os,mac,ip, etc.

Issues Being Displayed:

Property 'Result' cannot be found on this object. Make sure that it exists. At W:\Powershell Scripting\Test Lab\TestFunction.ps1:86 char:17 + IF ($Computer. <<<< Result -ne "Successful") { + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (.:OperatorToken) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFoundStrict

The Script

Set-PSDebug -strict
Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$consoleObject = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI

# Adjustable Variables
$Computers_Path = ".\computers.txt"
$Log_Path = ".\Log.txt"
$Log_MaxTick = 5
$RunOnServers = 0

# Multi-Threading Variables
$Jobs_MaxAtOnce = 20
$SleepTimer = 500

# Script Specific Variables
$ScriptTitle = "Local Admin Check"

# Validate Adjustable Variables
$Computers = @(Import-CSV $Computers_Path -header "Name","MAC")

# Framework Specific Variables (Pre-Setting Variables)
$Run = 0; $Succssful = 0; $Jobs_Count = 0; $Log_Tick= 0; $WriteToLog = "No"

# Misc
$Total = $Computers.length
IF (!(Test-Path $Log_Path)) { Add-Content $Log_Path "Name,OS,Mac,IPAddress,Status,Attempts,Result,LastAttempt" }
$Log = @(Import-Csv $Log_Path)
$Successful = ($Log | Where-Object {$_.Result -eq "Successful"} | Select-String -inputobject {$_.Name} -pattern $Computers | Measure-Object).Count

# Load Functions
Function GetOS {
    $RegCon = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $Computer.Name )
    $RegKey = $RegCon.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\")
    $RegValue = $RegKey.GetValue("ProductName")
    $Computer.OS = $RegValue

Function SmartLogging {

    If ($Args[0] -eq "AddComputer") {
        Add-Content ($Computer.Name + "," + $Computer.OS + "," + $Computer.Mac + "," + $Computer.IPAddress + "," + $Computer.Status + "," + $Computer.Attempts + "," + $Computer.Result + "," + $Computer.LastAttempt) -path .\log.txt
    } ELSEIF ( $Log_Tick -eq $Log_MaxTick -OR $Args -eq "Update" ) {
        $Log_Tick = 0;
        Get-Content $Log_Path | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "$Computer.Name,.*", ($Computer.Name + "," + $Computer.OS + "," + $Computer.Mac + "," + $Computer.IPAddress + "," + $Computer.Status + "," + $Computer.Attempts + "," + $Computer.Result + "," + $Computer.LastAttempt)} | Set-Content $Log_Path
    } ELSEIF ($Args[0] -eq "CheckComputer") {
         IF (!($Log | Select-String -pattern $Computer.Name -SimpleMatch)) {
            $Log += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Name = $Computer.Name; OS = $NULL; Mac = $Computer.MAC; IPAddress = $NULL; Status = $NULL; Attempts = 0; Result = $NULL; LastAttempt = $NULL;}
            $Computer = $Log | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Computer.Name}
            SmartLogging AddComputer
        } ELSE {
            $Computer = $Log | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Computer.Name}
    } ELSEIF (-not $Args[0]) {
        "Log Ticked"

Function GetIPAddress {
    $IPAddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses("TrinityTechCorp") | Where-Object {$_.IPAddressToString -like "*.*.*.*"};
    $Computer.IPAddress = $IPAddress.IPAddressToString

Function WindowTitle {
    [int]$Successful_Percent = $Successful / $Total * 100
    $consoleObject.WindowTitle = “$ScriptTitle - $Successful Out Of $Total ($Successful_Percent%) Successful `| Run`: $Run”

# Start Script
while ( $Successful -le $Total ) {
    ForEach ($Computer in $Computers) {
        SmartLogging CheckComputer
        IF ($Computer.Result -ne "Successful") {
            IF (test-connection $Computer.Name -quiet ) {
                $Computer.Status = "Awake"
                IF (!$Computer.OS){GetOS}
                IF (!$Computer.IPAddress){GetIPAddress}
                ## Start Script ##
                    $CheckComputer = [ADSI]("WinNT://" + $Computer.Name + ",computer")
                    $Group = $CheckComputer.psbase.children.find("Administrators")
                    $members= $Group.psbase.invoke("Members") | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}
                    ForEach($user in $members) {
                        $Result = $Computer.Name + "," + $user.ToString()
                        Add-Content $Result -path .\Result.csv
                ## End Script ##
                SmartLogging Update
                $Computer.Result = "Successful"
                $Successful += 1
            } ELSE {
                $Computer.Status = "Unknown"
            $Computer.Attempts = [int] $Computer.Attempts + 1
            $Computer.LastAttempt = Get-Date -uFormat "%I:%M:%S%p %d%b%y"
Write-Output "Script Completed"
¿Fue útil?


This declaration of $Computers collection....

$Computers = @(Import-CSV $Computers_Path -header "Name","MAC")

...will not work with this condition:

IF ($Computer.Result -ne "Successful")

The exception message explicitly states this, and where:

Property 'Result' cannot be found on this object. Make sure that it exists. \TestFunction.ps1:86 char:17

To resolve this, I would recommend initializing the property of Result, most likely like so:

$Computers = @(Import-CSV $Computers_Path -header "Name","MAC","Result")

Otros consejos

The problem this time is that you don't have Result member in $Computers collection member, only Name and MAC. Unless you add such a member later on your code, which I don't really want to read, as it already is about 100 rows and contains a lot of code that is not related to the actual problem statement.

$Computers = @(Import-CSV $Computers_Path -header "Name","MAC")

Have you tried debugging the script on Powershell ISE? It's built-in debugger for Powershell 2. Take a look at a Technet article about it.

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