
¿Son estas bien? Mi línea de configuración es la siguiente:

./configure  --enable-fastcgi --enable-fpm --with-mcrypt --with-zlib --enable-mbstring --with-openssl --with-mysql --with-mysql-sock --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib --enable-gd-native-ttf --without-sqlite --disable-pdo --disable-reflection --with-curl --with-mysqli=/usr/bin/mysql_config

Y estos son los resultados:

Exts skipped    :   47
Exts tested     :   32

Number of tests : 11216              8105
Tests skipped   : 3111 ( 27.7%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :   38 (  0.3%) (  0.5%)
Expected fail   :    8 (  0.1%) (  0.1%)
Tests passed    : 8059 ( 71.9%) ( 99.4%)
Time taken      :  711 seconds

Class constant whose initial value refereces a non-existent class [tests/classes/constants_error_004.phpt]
Curl_multi_getcontent() basic test with different sources (local file/http) [ext/curl/tests/curl_multi_getcontent_basic3.phpt]
curl_setopt() basic parameter test [ext/curl/tests/curl_setopt_error.phpt]
timezone_abbreviations_list() tests [ext/date/tests/010.phpt]
Test DateTime::modify() function : usage variation - Passing unexpected values to first argument $modify. [ext/date/tests/DateTime_modify_variation1.phpt]
Bug #48187 (DateTime::diff() corrupting microtime() result) [ext/date/tests/bug48187.phpt]
Bug #50475 (DateTime::setISODate followed by DateTime::setTime) [ext/date/tests/bug50475.phpt]
Bug #51819 (Case discrepancy in timezone names cause Uncaught exception and fatal error) [ext/date/tests/bug51819.phpt]
Bug #51994 (date_parse_from_format is parsing invalid date using 'yz' format) [ext/date/tests/bug51994.phpt]
Bug #52290 (setDate, setISODate, setTime works wrong when DateTime created from timestamp) [ext/date/tests/bug52290.phpt]
Test date_modify() function : usage variation - Passing unexpected values to second argument $format. [ext/date/tests/date_modify_variation2.phpt]
Test timezone_abbreviations_list() function : basic functionality [ext/date/tests/timezone_abbreviations_list_basic1.phpt]
Test 5: HTML Test [ext/dom/tests/dom005.phpt]
mysql connect [ext/mysql/tests/001.phpt]
mysql_connect() [ext/mysql/tests/mysql_connect.phpt]
mysql_[p]connect() - max_links/max_persistent [ext/mysql/tests/mysql_max_links.phpt]
mysqli_connect() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect.phpt]
new mysqli() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect_oo.phpt]
new mysqli() [ext/mysqli/tests/mysqli_connect_oo_defaults.phpt]
Test for bug 52013 about Phar::decompressFiles(). [ext/phar/tests/bug52013.phpt]
Phar and RecursiveDirectoryIterator [ext/phar/tests/phar_oo_005.phpt]
ReflectionClass::getConstructor() [ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionClass_getConstructor_basic.phpt]
ReflectionMethod::isConstructor() [ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionMethod_constructor_basic.phpt]
ReflectionObject::getConstructor() - basic function test [ext/reflection/tests/ReflectionObject_getConstructor_basic.phpt]
a script should not be able to modify session.use_trans_sid [ext/session/tests/014.phpt]
use_trans_sid should not affect SID [ext/session/tests/015.phpt]
rewriter correctly handles attribute names which contain dashes [ext/session/tests/018.phpt]
rewriter uses arg_seperator.output for modifying URLs [ext/session/tests/020.phpt]
rewriter handles form and fieldset tags correctly [ext/session/tests/021.phpt]
Bug #31454 (Incorrect adding PHPSESSID to links, which contains \r\n) [ext/session/tests/bug36459.phpt]
Bug #41600 (url rewriter tags doesn't work with namespaced tags) [ext/session/tests/bug41600.phpt]
Test session_encode() function : error functionality [ext/session/tests/session_encode_error2.phpt]
SimpleXML: XPath [ext/simplexml/tests/008.phpt]
SPL: DirectoryIterator test getGroup [ext/spl/tests/DirectoryIterator_getGroup_basic.phpt]
SPL: Spl Directory Iterator test getOwner [ext/spl/tests/DirectoryIterator_getOwner_basic.phpt]
SQLite3::open error test [ext/sqlite3/tests/sqlite3_15_open_error.phpt]
Bug #44394 (Last two bytes missing from output) with session.use_trans_id [ext/standard/tests/general_functions/bug44394_2.phpt]
htmlentities() / html_entity_decode() #8592 - #9002 table test [ext/standard/tests/strings/htmlentities17.phpt]

output buffering - fatalism [tests/output/ob_011.phpt]
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_008.phpt]
Inconsistencies when accessing protected members - 2 [Zend/tests/access_modifiers_009.phpt]
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770.phpt]
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_2.phpt]
Bug #48770 (call_user_func_array() fails to call parent from inheriting class) [Zend/tests/bug48770_3.phpt]
SimpleXML: array casting bug [ext/simplexml/tests/034.phpt]
Bug #39863 (file_exists() silently truncates after a null byte) [ext/standard/tests/file/bug39863.phpt]
¿Fue útil?


Los fallos de las pruebas son susceptibles de causar serios problemas con su php, si funciona en absoluto. Para empezar, puede tener serios problemas para hablar con MySQL, y cuestiones relacionadas con fechas y horas.

pruebas fallidas son casi siempre un problema grave. Advertencias a menudo pueden ser ignoradas, pero ignoran fallos inesperados en su peligro.

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