
i have implementing the project in yii. i done my project but i want to change instead of id to name. ie url management. i did uncomment in config.php then i added the following code. those follows: my table name is recipe:

public function loadModel($id)
        throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');
    return $model;

     public function loadModel2($name)
            $model=Recipe::model()->find('', array(':name' => $name));
        throw new CHttpException(404,'The requested page does not exist.');
    return $model;

except this i added top of the sitecontroller use Recipe. but it shows error is

The use statement with non-compound name 'Recipe' has no effect please suggest me suitable answer

Pas de solution correcte

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I personally use in my projects something like /product-name/p/1 and this is SEO friendly. To get your links to look like that you have to first change your url rules

    'urlManager' => array(
        'urlFormat' => 'path',
        'showScriptName' => false,
        'urlSuffix' => '/',
        'rules' => array(

Then use this to create your URLs.

Yii::app()->createUrl('product/view',array('id'=>$model->id, 'title'=>$model->name))

Now it works both ways, the create url will always create urls like /product-name/p/1 and further more you can show the product the normal way

 * Displays a particular model.
 * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be displayed
public function actionView($id)
    $model = $this->loadModel($id);
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