
Je commence un petit / projet python moyenne, probablement dans le test Driven Development. Mes origines sont plus en C et java que python (je fourmi et makefile)

Je sais que python vous pourriez ne pas avoir besoin d'un outil de construction, mais je vais, parce que je vais utiliser cython et PyInstaller (la chose devrait fonctionner sur deux Unices différents, sans dépendre directement sur python) et je comme la commodité de la sélection des essais formulaire CLI, la construction de la documentation, peut-être vérifier les dépendances, etc.

Quelqu'un se plaint que Python ne possède un outil semblable à faire. Je sais que quelques outils existent, comme scon et ?

Ce qui est de la habituelle qui vient avec beaucoup de paquets? Je regardais dans un peu pour voir s'il y a un usage courant, mais je ne trouve pas quelque chose d'intéressant (peut-être je les mauvais exemples)

recommandez-vous coller avec les choses que je connais déjà (ant et Makefile) au moins commencer? Si oui, est-il l'extension fourmi vous recommandez pour python (+ cython + pyinstaller + PyUnit)?

EDIT: pour éviter d'autres réponses comme celui de GTM, notez que, pour ce projet, je dois absolument mon programme étant un exécutable autonome car il est absolument impossible pour avoir un python VM sur la plate-forme cible où l'exécutable fonctionnera. J'ai exactement le même hw disponible pour la compilation, donc je ne luckly pas besoin de cross-compiler (mais je ferais le développement sur un Linux plus convivial).

Je voudrais aussi tester si mon code compile en Cython depuis le début, de ne pas optimize prématurée, mais juste pour être sûr que je ne vais pas trop loin avec l'utilisation des fonctionnalités incompatibles, ce qui nécessiterait une douloureuse refactoring si Cython serait sérieusement nécessaire.

Alors, s'il vous plaît se concentrer sur ma question réelle

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Vos exigences suggèrent plutôt Scons qui, selon leur site Web, a plus de contrôle sur la variété des tâches de construction que Finisseur . Dans ce dernier, vous finirez par utiliser beaucoup de qui gère un sh() programmes de ligne de commande régulière.

Récemment, je commencé à utiliser Finisseur qui est vraiment super pour exécuter des tests, construire des documentations avec Sphinx , mais je n'utilise que pur Python. Si vous voulez voir ce qui est possible avec Paver Je recommande fortement ces 2 articles: convertissant-de-travail-finisseur et écriture technico- documentation par Doug Hellmann et que vous voulez absolument vérifier son fichier de configuration .

Autres conseils

If it is at all possible, I'd suggest avoiding extension modules(C/cython) in the beginning. Get your all code written in Python, use a simple distutils based configuration, run your tests using -m (python -m mypkg.test.testall, or whatever; import unittest).

Once you get your project to a comfy state, then start tackling some optimizations with cython and the extra project management that comes with that. distutils can build extension modules, so I'm not sure you'll need make/scons..


I've been using setuptools for this, sometimes in combination with Ant for more complex stuff, or for integrating with other builds. In general it has worked well for me, but I've heard some people at #python (freenode) complain about a generally low source quality for this package, and recommending the standard distutils.

One thing to really watch out with if you are used to Java (like me), is that python does not support split packages. That is, you cannot put site.db in src/site/db, site.view in src2/site/view, put src and src2 on PYTHONPATH and the expect everything to work. This caused major headaches for me with the build tools, it worked a bit sporadically :)

One tool I love is virtualenv:

from the site: What It Does virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. The basic problem being addressed is one of dependencies and versions, and indirectly permissions. Imagine you have an application that needs version 1 of LibFoo, but another application requires version 2. How can you use both these applications? If you install everything into /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages (or whatever your platform's standard location is), it's easy to end up in a situation where you unintentionally upgrade an application that shouldn't be upgraded.

You can also try:

from the site: The Buildout project provides support for creating applications, especially Python applications. It provides tools for assembling applications from multiple parts, Python or otherwise. An application may actually contain multiple programs, processes, and configuration settings.

Tried it a couple of times, excellent for deploying development envrionments, maybe it's too much for your needs.

I've also been told and read in a couple of places that nose is a very cool testing tool, I'm looking for some free time to try it.

Hope It helps Cheers, Ale

to avoid further answers like jwp's one, note that, for this project, I absolutely need my program being a standalone executable because it is absolutely impossible to have a python VM on the target platform where the executable will run. I have exactly the same hw available for compiling, so luckly I don't need to cross-compile (but I'd do the development on a more friendly Linux).

I'd also like to test if my code compile in Cython from the beginning, not to premature optimize, but just to be sure that I'm not going too far with the use of incompatible features, which would require a painful refactoring if Cython would be seriously needed.

If all you're looking for is to have a stand-alone executable, you don't need to run Cython. There are a few good libraries for doing this:

However, to run Python code, you're simply going to have to install an interpreter or virtual machine on the target machine in some form or fashion. The solutions I presented involve merely embedding the interpreter to make it easier to install. In fact, I'm pretty sure (but could be wrong) that Cython won't allow you to build a stand-alone executables. It's mainly meant for creating extensions to the Python interpreter.

However, there are a couple of other alternatives. If you have a Java interpreter on the target machine, you can run Jython. There's also a IronPython for .net. However, you will still have to distribute the runtimes for these languages with your project.

In short, if you want a stand-alone executable with no dependencies, your only option is pretty much to go with straight C or C++.

If you are looking for a simple python based build tool. Check out pynt. Tasks in pynt are just (decorated) python function. It also support Rake style parameter passing to tasks.

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