
I need to add multiple submeus under a single parent admin menu. i can add submenu using following syntax.

function register_my_sub_admin() {
    add_submenu_page( '/pluginname/includes/admin-menu.php',
        plugins_url( 'pluginname/images/icon.png' )

add_action( 'admin_menu', 'register_my_sub_admin' );

Since I have more than 10 submenus to register as above, i have to duplicate the above code as much as needed.

So thinking, whether can I use some foreach loop or someother array method to do one code block and register all submenu pages via one action hook / function.

Will something like below can make this happen ?

$sub_menu       = array();
    $sub_menu['page_title'] = array('page1','page2');
    $sub_menu['menu_title'] = array('title1','title2');
    $sub_menu['capability'] ='manage_options';
    $sub_menu['slug']   = array('wp-admin.php','wp-login.php');
    $sub_menu['function'] ='';

    foreach ($sub_menu as $key => $value ){
        add_submenu_page( '/pluginname/includes/admin-menu.php',
            plugins_url( 'pluginname/images/icon.png' )
Était-ce utile?

La solution

a loop is almost always a good solution to avoid to copy-paste code.

you just need to use a array of datas like that :

$submenus = [
        "page_title" => "page1",
        "menu_title" => "title1",
        "slug" => "wp-admin.php",
        "page_title" => "page2",
        "menu_title" => "title2",
        "slug" => "wp-login.php",

foreach ($submenus as $value) {

        plugins_url( 'pluginname/images/icon.png' )

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