
I would like to allow Google Analytics to track that the user has made it to the Thanks Page of my PloneFormGen (version 1.7.1) form on a Plone 4.1.6 site. But that page is displayed using the same URL as the form itself.

I tried to use the Custom Success Action override and set it to redirect_to:string:thank-you (where thank-you is the ID of the page). But that (surprise, surprise) redirects the browser to the Thanks Page. And while this does lead to a separate URL, the POST data is lost and thus the user gets the message "No input was received. Please visit the form." Not exactly what I planned.

What should I do to show the Thanks Page on a separate URL?

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La solution

Thanks to Matt Yoder, collective.googleanalytics has some hooks to instrument PloneFormGen thanks pages. It will also do some other great magic like tracking validation errors.

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