
Si j'ai un maillage calqué Cinema 4D , comment puis-je exporter pour Three.js 3D JS Engine?

En outre, il serait utile de matériel d'exportation couleurs polygone sélections .

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Juste a écrit un autre script python pour Cinema4D pour cela.

Vous trouverez des détails sur le Disturb blog médias wiki .

DeltaInc Bot


Pour référence, je liste la source ici aussi:

author : "George Profenza"
url    : ("disturb", "","My blog,")

Export meshes the three.js 3D Engine by mr.doob's et al.

More details on the engine here:

Currently supports UVs. If the model doesn't display correctly
you might need to reverse some normals/do some cleanup.
Also, if you use Selection Tags and basic ColorMaterials, 
the colours will be picked up as face colors. Call autoColor() on the
model you use for this.
The mesh transformations(position, rotation, scale) are saved
and you can get them using: getPosition(), getRotation() and getScale()
each returning a THREE.Vector3

In short
var myGeom = new myC4DGeom();
var myModel = new THREE.Mesh( myGeom, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial());
//set transforms
model.position = myGeom.getPosition()
model.rotation = myGeom.getRotation()
model.scale    = myGeom.getScale()
//set selection tags colours

More details on this exporter and more js examples here:

Have fun!

This script requires Cinema 4D R11.5 minimum and the Py4D Plugin:

import c4d
from c4d import documents,UVWTag,storage
from c4d.utils import *
from c4d import symbols as sy, plugins, utils, bitmaps, gui
import math
import re

# utils
clean = lambda varStr: re.sub('\W|^(?=\d)','_', varStr)
# from Active State's Python recipies:
def RGBToHTMLColor(rgb_tuple):
    return '0x%02x%02x%02x' % rgb_tuple
def Export():
    if not op: return
    if op.GetType() != 5100:
            print 'Selected Object is not an editable mesh'
    unit = 0.001#for scale
    fps   = doc.GetFps()
    bd = doc.GetRenderBaseDraw()
    scr = bd.GetFrameScreen()
    rd = doc.GetActiveRenderData()
    name  = op.GetName()
    classname = clean(name)

    c4dPath =
    jsFile = open(c4dPath+'/scripts/Three.js','r')
    js =
    htmlFile = open(c4dPath+'/scripts/template.html','r')
    html =
    html = html.replace('%s',classname)
    code  = 'var %s = function () {\n\n\tvar scope = this;\n\n\;\n\n' % classname

    def GetMesh(code):
        # goto 0
        doc.SetTime(c4d.BaseTime(0, fps))
        SendModelingCommand(command = MCOMMAND_REVERSENORMALS, list = [op], mode = MODIFY_ALL, bc = c4d.BaseContainer(), doc = doc)

        verts = op.GetPointAll()
        for v in verts:
            code += '\tv( %.6f, %.6f, %.6f );\n' % (v.x, -v.y, v.z)
        code += '\n'
        ncount = 0
        uvcount = 0
        faces = op.GetAllPolygons()
        normals = op.CreatePhongNormals()
        ndirection = 1
        hasUV = False
        for tag in op.GetTags():
            if tag.GetName() == "UVW":
                uvw = tag
                hasUV = True
        for f in faces:
            if(f.d == f.c):
                    code += '\tf3( %d, %d, %d, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f );\n' % (f.a, f.b, f.c, normals[ncount].x*ndirection, normals[ncount].y*ndirection, normals[ncount].z*ndirection)
                    code += '\tf3( %d, %d, %d );\n' % (f.a, f.b, f.c)
                    code += '\tf4( %d, %d, %d, %d, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f );\n' % (f.a, f.b, f.c, f.d, normals[ncount].x*ndirection, normals[ncount].y*ndirection, normals[ncount].z*ndirection)
                    code += '\tf4( %d, %d, %d, %d );\n' % (f.a, f.b, f.c, f.d)
            if hasUV:
                uv = uvw.Get(uvcount);
                # uvs  += '[Vector('+str(uv[0].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[0].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[1].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[1].y)+'),Vector('+str(uv[2].x)+','+str(1.0-uv[2].y)+')],'
                if len(uv) == 4:
                    code += '\tuv( %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f);\n' % (uv[0].x, uv[0].y, uv[1].x, uv[1].y, uv[2].x, uv[2].y, uv[3].x, uv[3].y)
                    code += '\tuv( %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f);\n' % (uv[0].x, uv[0].y, uv[1].x, uv[1].y, uv[2].x, uv[2].y)
                ncount += 1
                uvcount += 1

        #selection color
        code +='\n\tscope.colors = {};\n'
        code +='\tscope.selections = {};\n'
        selName = ''
        for tag in op.GetTags():  
            if(tag.GetType() == 5616): #texture tag
               material = tag.GetMaterial()
               color = material[sy.MATERIAL_COLOR_COLOR]
               selName = clean(tag[sy.TEXTURETAG_RESTRICTION])
               if len(selName) == 0:    print "*** WARNING! *** Missing selection name for material: " + material.GetName()
               code += '\tscope.colors["'+selName+'"] = '+str(RGBToHTMLColor((color.x*255,color.y*255,color.z*255)))+';\n'
            if tag.GetType() == 5673:  #selection tag
               # print 'selection: ' + tag.GetName()  
               sel = tag.GetSelection()
               selName = clean(tag.GetName())
               ids = sel.GetAll(op.GetPointCount())
               indices = [i for i, e in enumerate(ids) if e != 0]
               code += '\tscope.selections["'+selName+'"] = '+str(indices)+';\n'

        code += '\n\tscope.autoColor = function(){\n'
        code += '\t\tfor(var s in this.selections){\n'
        code += '\t\t\tfor(var i = 0 ; i < this.selections[s].length; i++) this.faces[this.selections[s][i]].material = [ new THREE.MeshColorFillMaterial( this.colors[s],1) ];\n'
        code += '\t\t}\n\t}\n'

        # model position, rotation, scale               rotation x,y,z = H,P,B => three.js x,y,z is P,H,B => y,x,z
        p = op.GetPos()
        r = op.GetRot()
        s = op.GetScale()
        code += '\n\tscope.getPosition = function(){\treturn new THREE.Vector3'+str((p.x,p.y,p.z))+';\t}\n'
        code += '\n\tscope.getRotation = function(){\treturn new THREE.Vector3'+str((r.y,r.x,r.z))+';\t}\n'
        code += '\n\tscope.getScale = function(){\treturn new THREE.Vector3'+str((s.x,s.y,s.z))+';\t}\n'

        code += '\n'
        code += '\tfunction v( x, y, z ) {\n\n'
        code += '\t\tscope.vertices.push( new THREE.Vertex( new THREE.Vector3( x, y, z ) ) );\n\n'
        code += '\t}\n\n'
        code += '\tfunction f3( a, b, c, nx, ny, nz ) {\n\n'
        code += '\t\tscope.faces.push( new THREE.Face3( a, b, c, nx && ny && nz ? new THREE.Vector3( nx, ny, nz ) : null ) );\n\n'
        code += '\t}\n\n'
        code += '\tfunction f4( a, b, c, d, nx, ny, nz ) {\n\n'
        code += '\t\tscope.faces.push( new THREE.Face4( a, b, c, d, nx && ny && nz ? new THREE.Vector3( nx, ny, nz ) : null ) );\n\n'
        code += '\t}\n\n'
        code += '\tfunction uv( u1, v1, u2, v2, u3, v3, u4, v4 ) {\n\n'
        code += '\t\tvar uv = [];\n'
        code += '\t\tuv.push( new THREE.UV( u1, v1 ) );\n'
        code += '\t\tuv.push( new THREE.UV( u2, v2 ) );\n'
        code += '\t\tuv.push( new THREE.UV( u3, v3 ) );\n'
        code += '\t\tif ( u4 && v4 ) uv.push( new THREE.UV( u4, v4 ) );\n'
        code += '\t\tscope.uvs.push( uv );\n'
        code += '\t}\n\n'
        code += '}\n\n'
        code += '%s.prototype = new THREE.Geometry();\n' % classname
        code += '%s.prototype.constructor = %s;' % (classname, classname)

        SendModelingCommand(command = MCOMMAND_REVERSENORMALS, list = [op], mode = MODIFY_ALL, bc = c4d.BaseContainer(), doc = doc)

        return code

    code = GetMesh(code)
    docPath = doc.GetDocumentPath() 
    jspath = docPath+'/'+classname+'.js'
    htmlpath = docPath+'/'+classname+'.html'
    file = open(jspath,'w')
    file = open(htmlpath,'w')
    file = open(docPath+'/Three.js','w')
    print 'Export Complete!'


En outre, a ajouté 'slim' exportateurs au qui devrait produire des fichiers plus petits .js pour les modèles

Autres conseils

Une autre option consiste à exporter comme COLLADA / DAE ou OBJ et l'utilisation COLLADALoader ou OBJLoader .

Alirght, va essayer ça ici:

Ce plugin ne fonctionne pas avec C4D R12. Depuis Maxon absorbé Py4D, ils ont fait un choix pour être l'objet de symboles dans l'objet c4d. Je bifurqué code et poked un peu pour essayer de corriger les différences de minutes entre Py4D de 11,5 et R12.

Quoi qu'il en soit, voici la café poste fait où je commentais un peu plus en ce qui concerne les questions. Merci encore pour ouvrir la voie à génialité!

Si vous obtenez une erreur d'attribut d'objet, vous devez échanger l'appel GetPos avec GetAbsPos dans le script exportateur three.js (c4d13 +).

Licencié sous: CC-BY-SA avec attribution
Non affilié à StackOverflow
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