
J'utilise le WindowsAPICodePack pour TaskDialog. Lorsque j'essaie d'afficher la boîte de dialogue, elle indique qu'il faut charger la version 6 de comctl32.dll. J'ai donc ajouté la version 6 au fichier app.manifest et j'ai essayé de l'exécuter. Toujours pas de chance. Je suis allé dans le dossier Debug et ai exécuté le programme sans Visual Studio et cela fonctionne très bien. Je suppose que Visual Studio n’utilise pas le fichier manifeste ... Je me demandais s’il existait un moyen de le faire.

Était-ce utile?

La solution

Robpol86, votre code génère SEHExceptions, car les signatures pour ActivateActCtx et DeactivateActCtx sont incorrectes. Vous devez utiliser UIntPtr au lieu de uint pour lpCookie.

Par conséquent, le code correct pour EnableThemingInScope.cs serait:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs
    /// <devdoc>
    ///     This class is intended to use with the C# 'using' statement in
    ///     to activate an activation context for turning on visual theming at
    ///     the beginning of a scope, and have it automatically deactivated
    ///     when the scope is exited.
    /// </devdoc>

    internal class EnableThemingInScope : IDisposable
        // Private data
        private UIntPtr cookie;
        private static ACTCTX enableThemingActivationContext;
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources")]
        private static IntPtr hActCtx;
        private static bool contextCreationSucceeded = false;

        public EnableThemingInScope(bool enable)
            cookie = UIntPtr.Zero;
            if (enable && OSFeature.Feature.IsPresent(OSFeature.Themes))
                if (EnsureActivateContextCreated())
                    if (!ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, out cookie))
                        // Be sure cookie always zero if activation failed
                        cookie = UIntPtr.Zero;


        void IDisposable.Dispose()

        private void Dispose()
            if (cookie != UIntPtr.Zero)
                    if (DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie))
                        // deactivation succeeded...
                        cookie = UIntPtr.Zero;
                catch (SEHException)
                    //Hopefully solved this exception

        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2002:DoNotLockOnObjectsWithWeakIdentity")]
        private static bool EnsureActivateContextCreated()
            lock (typeof(EnableThemingInScope))
                if (!contextCreationSucceeded)
                    // Pull manifest from the .NET Framework install
                    // directory

                    string assemblyLoc = null;

                    FileIOPermission fiop = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
                    fiop.AllFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery;
                        assemblyLoc = typeof(Object).Assembly.Location;

                    string manifestLoc = null;
                    string installDir = null;
                    if (assemblyLoc != null)
                        installDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyLoc);
                        const string manifestName = "XPThemes.manifest";
                        manifestLoc = Path.Combine(installDir, manifestName);

                    if (manifestLoc != null && installDir != null)
                        enableThemingActivationContext = new ACTCTX();
                        enableThemingActivationContext.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ACTCTX));
                        enableThemingActivationContext.lpSource = manifestLoc;

                        // Set the lpAssemblyDirectory to the install
                        // directory to prevent Win32 Side by Side from
                        // looking for comctl32 in the application
                        // directory, which could cause a bogus dll to be
                        // placed there and open a security hole.
                        enableThemingActivationContext.lpAssemblyDirectory = installDir;
                        enableThemingActivationContext.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID;

                        // Note this will fail gracefully if file specified
                        // by manifestLoc doesn't exist.
                        hActCtx = CreateActCtx(ref enableThemingActivationContext);
                        contextCreationSucceeded = (hActCtx != new IntPtr(-1));

                // If we return false, we'll try again on the next call into
                // EnsureActivateContextCreated(), which is fine.
                return contextCreationSucceeded;

        // All the pinvoke goo...
        private extern static IntPtr CreateActCtx(ref ACTCTX actctx);
        private extern static bool ActivateActCtx(IntPtr hActCtx, out UIntPtr lpCookie);
        private extern static bool DeactivateActCtx(uint dwFlags, UIntPtr lpCookie);

        private const int ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID = 0x004;

        private struct ACTCTX
            public int cbSize;
            public uint dwFlags;
            public string lpSource;
            public ushort wProcessorArchitecture;
            public ushort wLangId;
            public string lpAssemblyDirectory;
            public string lpResourceName;
            public string lpApplicationName;

Autres conseils

J'ai récemment rencontré ce problème lors du débogage de code avec TaskDialogDemo dans CodePack. C'est comme ça que j'ai en quelque sorte résolu le problème. Le problème avec cette utilisation est que si j'ouvre deux ou trois boîtes de dialogue, cela jette une exception SEHException, que je n'ai pas encore trouvée comment résoudre ce problème. Alors, méfiez-vous de l'acheteur.

Ajouter Core \ Interop \ TaskDialogs \ EnableThemingInScope.cs :

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs {
    /// <devdoc>
    ///     This class is intended to use with the C# 'using' statement in
    ///     to activate an activation context for turning on visual theming at
    ///     the beginning of a scope, and have it automatically deactivated
    ///     when the scope is exited.
    /// </devdoc>

    internal class EnableThemingInScope : IDisposable {
        // Private data
        private uint cookie;
        private static ACTCTX enableThemingActivationContext;
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage( "Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2006:UseSafeHandleToEncapsulateNativeResources" )]
        private static IntPtr hActCtx;
        private static bool contextCreationSucceeded = false;

        public EnableThemingInScope( bool enable ) {
            cookie = 0;
            if ( enable && OSFeature.Feature.IsPresent( OSFeature.Themes ) ) {
                if ( EnsureActivateContextCreated() ) {
                    if ( !ActivateActCtx( hActCtx, out cookie ) ) {
                        // Be sure cookie always zero if activation failed
                        cookie = 0;

        ~EnableThemingInScope() {

        void IDisposable.Dispose() {
            GC.SuppressFinalize( this );

        private void Dispose() {
            if ( cookie != 0 ) {
                try {
                    if ( DeactivateActCtx( 0, cookie ) ) {
                        // deactivation succeeded...
                        cookie = 0;
                } catch ( SEHException ) {
                    // Robpol86: I don't know how to fix this!

        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage( "Microsoft.Reliability", "CA2002:DoNotLockOnObjectsWithWeakIdentity" )]
        private static bool EnsureActivateContextCreated() {
            lock ( typeof( EnableThemingInScope ) ) {
                if ( !contextCreationSucceeded ) {
                    // Pull manifest from the .NET Framework install
                    // directory

                    string assemblyLoc = null;

                    FileIOPermission fiop = new FileIOPermission( PermissionState.None );
                    fiop.AllFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery;
                    try {
                        assemblyLoc = typeof( Object ).Assembly.Location;
                    } finally {

                    string manifestLoc = null;
                    string installDir = null;
                    if ( assemblyLoc != null ) {
                        installDir = Path.GetDirectoryName( assemblyLoc );
                        const string manifestName = "XPThemes.manifest";
                        manifestLoc = Path.Combine( installDir, manifestName );

                    if ( manifestLoc != null && installDir != null ) {
                        enableThemingActivationContext = new ACTCTX();
                        enableThemingActivationContext.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( ACTCTX ) );
                        enableThemingActivationContext.lpSource = manifestLoc;

                        // Set the lpAssemblyDirectory to the install
                        // directory to prevent Win32 Side by Side from
                        // looking for comctl32 in the application
                        // directory, which could cause a bogus dll to be
                        // placed there and open a security hole.
                        enableThemingActivationContext.lpAssemblyDirectory = installDir;
                        enableThemingActivationContext.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID;

                        // Note this will fail gracefully if file specified
                        // by manifestLoc doesn't exist.
                        hActCtx = CreateActCtx( ref enableThemingActivationContext );
                        contextCreationSucceeded = (hActCtx != new IntPtr( -1 ));

                // If we return false, we'll try again on the next call into
                // EnsureActivateContextCreated(), which is fine.
                return contextCreationSucceeded;

        // All the pinvoke goo...
        [DllImport( "Kernel32.dll" )]
        private extern static IntPtr CreateActCtx( ref ACTCTX actctx );
        [DllImport( "Kernel32.dll" )]
        private extern static bool ActivateActCtx( IntPtr hActCtx, out uint lpCookie );
        [DllImport( "Kernel32.dll" )]
        private extern static bool DeactivateActCtx( uint dwFlags, uint lpCookie );

        private const int ACTCTX_FLAG_ASSEMBLY_DIRECTORY_VALID = 0x004;

        private struct ACTCTX {
            public int cbSize;
            public uint dwFlags;
            public string lpSource;
            public ushort wProcessorArchitecture;
            public ushort wLangId;
            public string lpAssemblyDirectory;
            public string lpResourceName;
            public string lpApplicationName;

Ensuite, dans Core \ Interop \ TaskDialogs \ NativeTaskDialog.cs à la ligne 93 (au-dessus de HResult hresult = TaskDialogNativeMethods.TaskDialogIndirect ), donnez à la section l'apparence suivante (à la fin) vous aurez trois nouvelles lignes):

// Here is the way we use "vanilla" P/Invoke to call TaskDialogIndirect().
HResult hresult;
using ( new EnableThemingInScope( true ) ) {
    hresult = TaskDialogNativeMethods.TaskDialogIndirect(
        out selectedButtonId,
        out selectedRadioButtonId,
        out checkBoxChecked );

J'ai le même problème avec Visual Studio en mode débogage. Jusqu'à présent, je n'ai pas trouvé de solution de contournement, cela fonctionne très bien en mode Release.

Cette page explique comment ajouter un manifeste personnalisé à votre projet afin d'indiquer à Windows de charger le nouveau fichier comctl32.dll (version 6.0):

Votre manifeste a-t-il la bonne dépendance sur comctl32.dll? Avez-vous intégré le manifeste créé?

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