
Ho dei campi personalizzati che vorrei un utente di essere in grado di modificare in Quick Edit, posso gestire le colonne, ma sono in grado di modificarli se Quick Edit viene cliccato il codice corrente con campi personalizzati I' d piace essere in grado di modificare:

/* custom columns */
add_filter("manage_edit-programmes_columns", "edit_columns" );
add_action("manage_posts_custom_column", "custom_columns");

function edit_columns($columns)
    $columns = array(
        "cb" => "<input type ='checkbox' />",
        "title" => "Schedule id",
        "programme" => "Programme",
        "channel" => "Channel", 
        "onair" => "On Air", 
        "catchup" => "Catchup", 
        "popularity" => "Popularity", 
        "onair" => "On Air", 
        "date" => "Date"
    return $columns;

function custom_columns( $column ) {

    global $post;

    switch ( $column )
        case "programme":
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Programme Name', true);
        case "channel":
            echo get_the_term_list($post->ID, 'channelnames', '', ', ', '');
        case "onair":
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Date Time Start', true);
        case "catchup":
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'linktovideocatchup', true);
        case "popularity":
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'popularityfig', true);

Guida molto apprezzato.

È stato utile?


Un paio di cose,

  1. Assicurati che nel tuo gancio save_post si sta controllando per DOING_AJAX che viene utilizzato per il salvataggio in rapida-edit.
  2. Guarda il mio altra domanda: rapida schermata di modifica personalizzazione . La risposta che ho ricevuto ha funzionato, ma non ho in realtà abbastanza ancora implementato nel mio plug-in quanto non è una priorità del mio ancora .

Spero che ti aiuta. ;)

Altri suggerimenti

Salvataggio dei dati da Quick Edit e Bulk Edit bisogno aiutanti JavaScript.

Il codice seguente esce da un sistema di produzione utilizzando il tipo di video postale personalizzato prima di scrivere la modifica della massa WordPress Plugin Bulk personalizzato / Quick Edit .

File quick_edit.js

// @ref
(function($) {
    // we create a copy of the WP inline edit post function
    var $wp_inline_edit = inlineEditPost.edit;
    // and then we overwrite the function with our own code
    inlineEditPost.edit = function( id ) {
        // "call" the original WP edit function
        // we don't want to leave WordPress hanging
        $wp_inline_edit.apply( this, arguments );

        // now we take care of our business

        // get the post ID
        var $post_id = 0;
        if ( typeof( id ) == 'object' )
            $post_id = parseInt( this.getId( id ) );

        if ( $post_id > 0 ) {
            // define the edit row
            var $edit_row = $( '#edit-' + $post_id );
            var $post_row = $( '#post-' + $post_id );

            // get the data
            var $additional_copies = $( '.column-additional_copies', $post_row ).html();
            var $main_credits      = $( '.column-main_credits', $post_row ).html();

            // populate the data
            $( ':input[name="additional_copies"]', $edit_row ).val( $additional_copies );
            $( ':input[name="main_credits"]', $edit_row ).val( $main_credits );

    $( '#bulk_edit' ).live( 'click', function() {
        // define the bulk edit row
        var $bulk_row = $( '#bulk-edit' );

        // get the selected post ids that are being edited
        var $post_ids = new Array();
        $bulk_row.find( '#bulk-titles' ).children().each( function() {
            $post_ids.push( $( this ).attr( 'id' ).replace( /^(ttle)/i, '' ) );

        // get the data
        var $additional_copies = $bulk_row.find( 'textarea[name="additional_copies"]' ).val();
        var $main_credits      = $bulk_row.find( 'textarea[name="main_credits"]' ).val();

        // save the data
            url: ajaxurl, // this is a variable that WordPress has already defined for us
            type: 'POST',
            async: false,
            cache: false,
            data: {
                action: 'save_bulk_edit_video', // this is the name of our WP AJAX function that we'll set up next
                post_ids: $post_ids, // and these are the 2 parameters we're passing to our function
                additional_copies: $additional_copies,
                main_credits: $main_credits

File video-quick-edit.php

 *  Quick Edit and Bulk Edit helper for Media Burn video records
 *  @author Michael Cannon <>
 *  @ref

add_action( 'bulk_edit_custom_box', 'quick_edit_custom_box_video', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'quick_edit_custom_box', 'quick_edit_custom_box_video', 10, 2 );

function quick_edit_custom_box_video( $column_name, $post_type ) {
    $slug = 'video';
    if ( $slug !== $post_type )

    if ( ! in_array( $column_name, array( 'additional_copies', 'main_credits' ) ) )

    static $printNonce = true;
    if ( $printNonce ) {
        $printNonce = false;
        wp_nonce_field( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ), 'video_edit_nonce' );

    <fieldset class="inline-edit-col-right inline-edit-video">
      <div class="inline-edit-col inline-edit-<?php echo $column_name ?>">
        <label class="inline-edit-group">
    switch ( $column_name ) {
    case 'additional_copies':
            <span class="title">Additional Copies</span>
            <textarea cols="22" rows="1" name="additional_copies" autocomplete="off"></textarea>
    case 'main_credits':
            <span class="title">Main Credits</span>
            <textarea cols="22" rows="1" name="main_credits" autocomplete="off"></textarea>

add_action( 'save_post', 'save_video_meta' );

function save_video_meta( $post_id ) {
    // TODO make $slug static
    $slug = 'video';
    if ( $slug !== $_POST['post_type'] )

    if ( !current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post_id ) )

    if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE )

    if ( isset( $post->post_type ) && 'revision' == $post->post_type )

    $_POST += array( "{$slug}_edit_nonce" => '' );
    if ( !wp_verify_nonce( $_POST["{$slug}_edit_nonce"], plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) )

    if ( isset( $_REQUEST['additional_copies'] ) )
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'additional_copies', wp_kses_post( $_REQUEST['additional_copies'] ) );

    if ( isset( $_REQUEST['main_credits'] ) )
        update_post_meta( $post_id, 'main_credits', wp_kses_post( $_REQUEST['main_credits'] ) );

add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-edit.php', 'admin_edit_video_foot' );
function admin_edit_video_foot() {
    $slug = 'video';
    // load only when editing a video
    if ( ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $slug == $_GET['page'] )
        || ( isset( $_GET['post_type'] ) && $slug == $_GET['post_type'] ) ) {
        wp_enqueue_script( 'admin-quick-edit-video', get_template_directory_uri() . '/functions/user/custom/fitv/quick_edit.js', array( 'jquery', 'inline-edit-post' ), '', true );

add_action( 'wp_ajax_save_bulk_edit_video', 'save_bulk_edit_video' );
function save_bulk_edit_video() {
    $post_ids          = ( ! empty( $_POST[ 'post_ids' ] ) ) ? $_POST[ 'post_ids' ] : array();
    $additional_copies = ( ! empty( $_POST[ 'additional_copies' ] ) ) ? wp_kses_post( $_POST[ 'additional_copies' ] ) : null;
    $main_credits      = ( ! empty( $_POST[ 'main_credits' ] ) ) ? wp_kses_post( $_POST[ 'main_credits' ] ) : null;

    if ( ! empty( $post_ids ) && is_array( $post_ids ) ) {
        foreach ( $post_ids as $post_id ) {
            update_post_meta( $post_id, 'additional_copies', $additional_copies );
            update_post_meta( $post_id, 'main_credits', $main_credits );


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