
Si supponga una foo.tar bersaglio, che dipende da un elenco di file foo.files, per es.

FOO_FILES := $(shell cat foo.files)

foo.tar: foo.files $(FOO_FILES)
    tar -cf foo $(FOO_FILES)

Ora supponiamo che foo.files devono essere generate per esempio:.

foo.files: foo.files.template
    sed -e "s/@{VERSION}/$(VERSION)/" < $< > $@

E 'chiaro che foo.files dipende foo.files.template, ma come si può fare in modo che FOO_FILES viene valutata dopo foo.files viene generato?

È stato utile?


Your original rules are correct. Because updating foo.files causes the value of FOO_FILES to become outdated you just need to make sure your Makefile is re-evaluated by gnu make when foo.files has been updated by making your Makefile depend on foo.files:

Makefile : foo.files

Altri suggerimenti

So, I found an answer reading about Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation over at Basically, it is possible to re-evaluate a makefile by way of a GNU/Make feature. When there is a rule to generate an included makefile, the entire makefile will be re-read after the generation of the included file. Thus --

# -*- mode: make -*-
VERSION := 1.2.3

foo.tar: foo.files $(FOO_FILES)
    tar cf $@ $(FOO_FILES)

    rm -f foo.files foo.tar

foo.files: foo.files.template
    sed -e "s/@{VERSION}/$(VERSION)/" < $< > $@

# -- voodoo start here --
# This will ensure that FOO_FILES will be evaluated only
# *after* foo.files is generated. foo.files
    echo "FOO_FILES := `xargs < $<`" > $@

# -- voodoo ends here --

.PHONY: clean

-- seems to do the right thing.

... and just for completeness:

foo.files.template is:


and assume the presence of a-1.2.3 and b-1.2.3.

It can't be done in one pass; Make determines which targets must be rebuilt before it actually executes any rule, and in this case the full list of targets doesn't exist until one of the rules is executed.

This should do it:

FOO_FILES := $(shell cat foo.files)

foo.tar: foo.files
    $(MAKE) foo-tarball

.PHONY: foo-tarball
foo-tarball: $(FOO_FILES)
    tar -cf foo $^

As the OP points out, this will not work as written; I left out a prerequisite:

foo.tar: foo.files $(FOO_FILES)

Note that this will recurse even if foo.files has not changed, which is not strictly necessary; it is possible to correct this, but not elegantly. (For comparison, the selected solution, which I admit is cleaner than mine, recurses even if the target has nothing to do with foo.tar.)

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