
I'm developing under a small C API and I need to create an array of structs, each with different titles. From my background in PHP I wrote the following code excerpt:

char *title = "";
for(int w = 0; w < total_workouts; w++) {
    snprintf(title, 10, "Workout %c", workouts[w].letter);
    workout_menu[w] = (SimpleMenuItem) { .title = title };

However, the title variable is sent as a pointer to the SimpleMenuItem object, and thus all the menu entries get the same title. I spent some time fiddling with arrays of strings and etc and could't make it work.

How would I fix the snippet of code to have different string pointers for each menu entry (each passage inside the for)?

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Create some space for title dynamically INSIDE The loop

workout_menu[w].title = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 10);

And then use sprintf/snprintf to copy directly into the title member of SimpleMenuItem (not a local variable)

sprintf(workout_menu[w].title, "Workout %c", workouts[w].letter)

Remember to use free() when you're finished so you don't have a memory leak.

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