Looks like the data type of InvoiceID in your database is some numeric kind. While in query you are treating it as string. Try not to wrap InvoiceID value in single quotes.
Datatype mismatch in criteria expression.in a select query c# Access database
I am building a simple Point of Sale program and working on a "search invoice" button that allows up to 3 search criteria (InvoiceID , ClientName, and ClientID). These are the names of 3 of the columns in the table named "Invoicing".
is the key column of type Int32
, ClientName
is of type String
, ClientID
is of type Int32
. ClientName
and ClientID
searches work perfect.
MY PROBLEM: If I include InvoiceID
in the select query, I get the following error. And I have spent a few days trying to figure it out.
ERROR: Database Error: Datatype mismatch in criteria expression.
Can you more experienced programmers help me out? thank you!
String connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data" + @" Source=TESTDB.accdb";
String tableName = "Invoicing";
String query = String.Format("select * from [{0}] where", tableName);
int filled = 0;
if (invoiceBox.Text != "") { query += " InvoiceID='" + invoiceBox.Text+"'"; filled += 1; }
/*if (DateCheckBox.Checked == true)
if (filled>=1) { query += " and DateNTime='" + monthCalendar1.SelectionStart.ToString() + "'"; filled += 1; }
else { query += " DateNTime='" + monthCalendar1.SelectionStart.ToString()+ "'"; filled += 1; }
* */
if (ClientNameBox.Text != "") //Doesnot work
if (filled >= 1) { query += " and Client='" + ClientNameBox.Text + "'"; filled += 1; }
else { query += " Client='" + ClientNameBox.Text + "'"; filled += 1; }
if (ClientIDBox.Text != "") //THIS search criteria works!!!!
if (filled >= 1) { query += " and ClientID='" + ClientIDBox.Text + "'"; filled += 1; }
else { query += " ClientID='" + ClientIDBox.Text + "'"; filled += 1; }
if (filled < 1) { MessageBox.Show("At least One Search criteria above is required"); return; }
DataSet dsInvoicing = new DataSet();
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
//Open Database Connection
OleDbDataAdapter daInvoicing = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, conn);
//Fill the DataSet
daInvoicing.Fill(dsInvoicing, tableName);
//MessageBox.Show("dsInventory has "+dsInventory.Tables[0].Rows.Count+" search results");
this.dataGridView1.DataSource = dsInvoicing.Tables[0];
catch (OleDbException exp){ MessageBox.Show("Database Error: " + exp.Message.ToString());}
Need more information? I will post up more if I haven't provided enough. DATABASE INFORMATION or other.
Thank you very much to all programmers.