
Ho una serie di colonne di dati, ogni 15 righe profonde. La colonna B è la colonna che voglio spostare tutte le altre colonne sotto in ordine. Quindi il contenuto della colonna C viene tagliato e spostato sotto quello già in B e così via.

Finora ho;

'Select a column
ActiveSheet.Range("B1", ActiveSheet.Range("B1").End(xlDown)).Select
'Select cell at bottom of A
ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select

Ho bisogno del ciclo per farlo funzionare, loop attraverso tutte le colonne da A a FN.

Grazie in anticipo.

È stato utile?


Dim col As Range

For Each col In Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns
    If (col.Column > 1 And col.Column < 171) Then
    Range(col.Rows(1), col.Rows(15)).Select
    'Select cell at bottom of A
    ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
    ActiveSheet.Paste   'Paste
    End If
Next col
End Sub

Altri suggerimenti

Penso che questo farà quello che descrivi. In caso contrario, forse potresti spiegare un po 'più chiaramente?

Dim LastCol As Integer, c As Integer, r As Long
LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
For c = 2 To LastCol
        If Cells(1, c) <> "" Then
            ActiveSheet.Range(Chr$(64 + c) & "1", ActiveSheet.Range(Chr$(64 + c) & "1").End(xlDown)).Select
            ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
        End If
Next c

Sub go()
Dim LastCol As Integer, c As Integer, r As Long
LastCol = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count).Column
For c = 2 To LastCol
        If Cells(1, c)  "" Then
            ActiveSheet.Range(ColumnLetter(c) & "1", ActiveSheet.Range(ColumnLetter(c) & "1").End(xlDown)).Select
            ActiveSheet.Range("a1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
        End If
Next c

End Sub

Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Integer) As String
  If ColumnNumber > 26 Then

    ' 1st character:  Subtract 1 to map the characters to 0-25,
    '                 but you don't have to remap back to 1-26
    '                 after the 'Int' operation since columns
    '                 1-26 have no prefix letter

    ' 2nd character:  Subtract 1 to map the characters to 0-25,
    '                 but then must remap back to 1-26 after
    '                 the 'Mod' operation by adding 1 back in
    '                 (included in the '65')

    ColumnLetter = Chr(Int((ColumnNumber - 1) / 26) + 64) & _
                   Chr(((ColumnNumber - 1) Mod 26) + 65)
    ' Columns A-Z
    ColumnLetter = Chr(ColumnNumber + 64)
  End If
End Function

Un altro approccio è usare direttamente i numeri, ma dimentico come farlo ... applausi!


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