
I am new to cocoa programming, Using the below code I want to show the selected file names in window. How can I do that?

- (IBAction)selectFile:(id)sender {

    int i; // Loop counter.

    // Create the File Open Dialog class.
    NSOpenPanel* openDlg = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];

    NSArray *fileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"wmv", @"3gp", @"mp4", @"avi", @"mp3", @"mma", @"wav", nil];

    // Enable the selection of files in the dialog.
    [openDlg setCanChooseFiles:YES];

    //Enable multiple selection of files
    [openDlg setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES];

    // Enable the selection of directories in the dialog.
    [openDlg setCanChooseDirectories:YES];

    // Display the dialog.  If the OK button was pressed,
    // process the files.
    if ( [openDlg runModalForDirectory:nil file:nil types:fileTypes] == NSOKButton )
        // Get an array containing the full filenames of all
        // files and directories selected.
        NSArray* files = [openDlg filenames];

        // Loop through all the files and process them.
        for( i = 0; i < [files count]; i++ )
            NSString* fileName = [files objectAtIndex:i];

            NSLog(@"filename::: %@", fileName);

            // Do something with the filename.

In NSLog I am getting the names, what I want is to show the names on window too, to show the user that these files are selected.

Which view can be used? What is the way to achieve this?


È stato utile?


Use an NSTextView or an NSTextField.

Altri suggerimenti

NSArray* files = [openDlg filenames];
NSString* fileName;
    // Loop through all the files and process them.
    for( i = 0; i < [files count]; i++ )
        fileName =[fileName stringByAppendingString:[files objectAtIndex:i];

        // Do something with the filename.

        NSLog(@"filename::: %@", fileName);

runModalForDirectory:file:types: is deprecated in OS X v10.6. You could use runModal instead. You can set path using setDirectoryURL:, and you can set fileTypes using setAllowedFileTypes:.

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